Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  

Java Real Time Tools(Ant,Ajax,Log4J,JUNIT,SVN,Maven,CVS & JasperReports)

Batch Date:
June 19th @ 11:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Nataraz

Duration: 25 days(daily two hours)  

Fee:  1000/- INR +Reg Fee: 100/- INR

* Complete Material Will be Provided

Metirial Fee: 150/- INR

Location: Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.

Plot No : 505,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143


    ANT Syllabus:

  1. Ant Introduction
    • What is Ant?
    • Why we need Ant?
    • Ant Advantages and Features

  2. Ant Installation
    • Installation
    • Environment Variables Setup
    • Ant Version Command
  3. build.xml
    • <project>, <target>
    • Is build.xml name mandatory?
  4. Ant Basic Tasks
    • <mkdir>.<delete>
    • <copy>,<echo>

  5. Ant – Waring, Jaring and Earing Examples
    • <javac>,<java>
    • <jar>,<war>,<ear>,<classpath>
  6. Ant with Eclipse
    • Creating Ant application
    • Running Ant from Eclipse
  7. Ant command options
    • ant –f or a –file
    • ant –help
    • ant –v
    • ant –logfile

  8. Ant Advanced Concepts
    • Running specific target
    • Setting default target
    • Target dependencies
    • Properties files
Ajax Syllabus:

Synchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication

Introduction to Ajax

Classic web applications Architecture

Ajax based web applications architecture

Ajax engine creation

Properties of Ajax engine

  • readyState

  • onreadystatechange

  • status

  • responseText

  • responsseXML

Methods of Ajax engine

  • open(-,-,-)

  • Send()/send(String)

  • setRequestHeader(-,-)

Ajax application flow

Sample examples

CVS Syllabus:


Why CVS?

Definition of CVS

Features of CVS


  • Repository

  • Sandbox

  • Check out

  • Commit (check in)

  • Update

  • History

  • Revision
Software Description

Software Installation

Working with CVS
  • Server software CVS NT

  • IDE : MyEclipse

Svn Syllabus:


Why SVN?

Definition of SVN

Features of SVN


  • Repository

  • ii) Sandbox

  • iii) Check out

  • iv) Commit (check in)

  • v) Update
  • vi) History
  • vii) Revision
Software Description

Repository Operations

Software Installation

Working with Tortoise

Server software SVN

Procedure to create a Repository for project/Module

IDE : Eclipse

SVN Plug-in configuration with eclipse.

Maven Syllabus:

Maven Overview


Maven Origins

What Maven Provide?

Mavens Principles

Declarative Execution

i)Maven's project object model (POM)

ii)Maven's build life cycle

Coherent Organization of Dependencies

i)Local Maven repository

ii)Central Maven repository

iii)Remote Maven Repository

iV)Locating dependency artifacts


Maven's Benefits

Maven Environment SetUp

i)System Requirement

ii)java installation verification

ii)set JAVA environment

iii)Download Maven Archive

iV) Extract Maven Archive and Configure Maven Environment Variables

vi) Add Maven bin directory location to system path and verify Maven installaton

Create Java Project

Build and Test Java Project

External Dependencies

Maven 2 Eclipse Plugin

Create web application using maven

Generate Documentation for Maven Project

Project Creation from Maven Templates

Team Collabaration with Maven

Migrating to Maven

JasperReports Syllabus:

1. Introduction

2. Steps to design Jasper Reports

3. Flow Diagram

4. Parameters

5. Data Source

6. Fields

7. Expressions

8. Variable

9. Charts

10. I Reports Tool

Log4J Syllabus:

  1. Introduction to Logging
    • What is Logging
    • Importance of Logging
    • Logging Frameworks for JAVA

  2. Introduction to Log4J
    • What is Log4J?
    • Why we need to use Log4J?
    • Log4J Features
    • Log4J Advantages

  3. Log4J Setup for Java: Standalone and Web Applications
    • Download Log4J
    • log4J Jar file

  4. Log4J Development Approaches
    • Programmatic
    • Declarative

  5. Log4J Programmatic Implementation
    • Logger
    • BasicConfiguror, PropertyConfigurator
    • Setting Logging Level

  6. Log4J Logging Levels
    • Default Logging Level
    • Available Logging Levels

  7. Log4J Declarative Implementation: Configuration
    • Set Debug Level
    • Set Appender
    • Set PatternLayout
    • Set ConversionPattern

  8. Log4J Appenders
    • ConsoleAppender
    • FileAppender
    • AdminFileAppender
    • ReportFileAppender
    • Setting Single Appender
    • Setting Multiple Appenders

  9. Log4J Implementation with xml file
    • log4j.xml
    • <log4j:configuration>
    • Setting Appenders
    • Setting Log Level
    • Setting Conversion Pattern

  10. Conversion Pattern Syntax
    • TTCC
    • TTCCLayout
    • Time Elapsed
    • Thread Information
    • Logging Priority
    • Logging Category
    • NDC - Nested Diagnostic Context
    • Application Message


JUNIT Syllabus:


  • Unit Testing
  • Terminology
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Installation of JUnit


  • Introduction to JUnit API
    • Test
    • TestCase
    • Assert
    • TestRunner
    • TestSuite
  • Preparation
  • Create a Java class
  • Create a JUnit test
  • Run your test cases
  • Run your test via code


  • Static imports with Eclipse
  • Annotations
  • Assert statements