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UNIX/LINUX Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: May 10th @9:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Nageswar Rao

Duration: 45 days

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96


Linux Course Contents

1) Introduction to Software
2) System Software Concepts
3) Application Software Concepts
4) Device Drivers and OS introduction
5) GUI vs. CUI / CLI
6) Single User OS vs. Multi User OS
7) History of DOS, Unix, Windows Operating Systems
8) Freeware vs. Open Source
9) Features of Unix and Linux
10) Unix vs. Linux vs. Windows
11) Distributions of Unix and Linux Operating systems
12) Operating Systems Using in dev, test and prod environments
13) Unix and Linux Architecture
14) Shell and Kernel
15) Interpreter vs Compiler
16) Linux Installation with Oracle Virtual Box
17) Creating users in GUI
18) Putty setup
19) WinScp setup
20) Linux File system
21) Types of files in Linux OS
22) Regular files, Directory and Device files
23) Checking type of file
24) Linux File System Tree Structure
25) Checking current working usersdetails
26) Logname, whoami, users, who, hostname, uname and last commands
27) ls command options
28) ls command i-node , array 13 pointers
29) Linux File Systems vs. Windows Files System vs. HDFS
30) FAT32 vs NTFS vs ext vs DFS files systems
31) Date Command options
32) Preparing time stamp
33) Cal Command Options
34) Working with directories
35) mkdir, rmdir, cd, mv, rm commands
36) Absolute path vs. Relative Path
37) Working with files
38) cat, touch , cp, mv, rm , truncate commands
39) creating hidden files and dirs.
40) cmp and diff commands
41) Hard link and Soft link files
42) Working of I-Node
43) Copying and moving files from one location to another using absolute path and relative path
44) File command , checking for type of file
45) Pattern matching chars, *, ? , [] and { }
46) Word Count Command with different options
47) Working with editors gedit, vi, nano and vim
48) Job Chaining Using pipe ( | )
49) Redirection operators < ,> and >>
50) head and tail commands
51) filtering data in files
52) tee and tr command
53) Data processing using head, tail, pipe ( | ) , tee and tr commands
54) grep command different options
55) data processing with grep command
56) filtering bigdata and small data files
57) tar command
58) Creating archive files , append to existing tar file
59) gzip and gunzip commands
60) working with file permissions
61) chmod , user , group and others permissions
62) octal notations
63) umask value
64) default permissions of dir and files
65) files and dirs security concepts
66) changing umask value
67) setting permanent umask

LINUX Administration

AWS and Cloud

1) AWS introduction
2) Cloud environment
3) Creating AWS account
4) Creating AWS – EC2 instance for Linux in cloud
5) Generating pem and ppk files
6) Creating key and value pair
7) Creating security group
8) Connecting to EC2 instance using putty
9) Files uploading and down loading to Cloud Using WinScp
10) Maintaining EC2 instance at free of cost

Find command - Different Real Time Scenarios

11) find command to filter files
12) find by name, type, permissions
13) find by user, group , empty file
14) find by date ,atime, mtime, ctime
15) find last 10 days, 50 days and 10 hrs and 1 hrs
16) find hidden files and dirs.
17) find by size

sed command – real time scenarios

18) sed command, in-depth of every options discussed
19) sed-replacing string
20) replace string in all lines and all matches
21) conditional replacing string
22) sed – deleting lines
23) sed - data cleansing operations
24) cut command with different options
25) paste command options
26) sort – ASCII based and number based sorting
27) data processing Techniques

AWK command – real timescenarios

28) AWK Scans a file line by line
29) AWK Splits each input line into fields
30) AWK Compares input line/fields to pattern
31) AWK Performs action(s) on matched lines
32) AWK Transform data files
33) AWK Produce formatted reports
34) AWK Format output lines
35) AWK Arithmetic and string operations
36) AWK Conditionals and loops
37) AWK data filtering
38) AWK Conditional data
39) AWK Data Processing

Realtime big data processing using AWK

40) Job Scheduling
41) Crontab options
42) Checking disk free space
43) Checking for disk usage
44) Updating OS
45) Installing ssh
46) Installing softwares
47) Installing MYSQL, Java, Eclipse, and other tools
48) Users and Groups management
49) Managing /etc/passwd, /etc/group files
50) Setting shell while login
51) Changing owner and group of file
52) Modifying users and groups
53) Deleting group and user accounts
54) dev, test and prod environments setup for users and groups


55) Network and Networking
56) LAN, WAN, MAN, Internet, Intranet
57) IP Address, Portno, protocol, URL, URI, DNS
58) Networking setup
59) IP Address configuration
60) Unblocking port numbers ( breaking fire walls )
61) Ifconfig and ping usage
62) DNS name configurations /etc/hosts
63) Working with remote servers using ssh and putty
64) Copying files to remote servers using SCP ,WinScp and FileZilla
65) Generating password less sshauthentication key and delivering files to all systems in network
66) Distributing files in network using SCP with out password
67) TCP Vs. UDP
68) FTP Server setup
69) FTP uploading and down loading files
70) Creating, deleting dir and files in Server
71) FTP PASV and binary modes
72) FTP Server vs. Clients
73) SMTP Server setup( email system )
74) Generating emails and delivery
75) Configuring SMTP Server
76) NFS Configurations
77) Hard Disk Partitions

Working with Linux Shell

78) What is Shell
79) Types of shells
80) Checking for current shell
81) Working different Shells bash, sh, ksh, ksh93, csh
82) Installing different shells
83) Shell variables
84) Types of Shell variables
85) System defined variable and User defined variables
86) Variable Scope
87) Session level
88) User Level
89) System level
90) Working .bashrc and profiles
91) .bashrc files vs profile
92) history command
93) bash_history files
94) configuring HISTSIZE and HISTFILE_SIZE
95) locate command vs which command
96) PATH Variable setting
97) Purpose of PATH setting


98) Bootable blocks sector
99) Super blocks sector
100) Inode blocks sector
101) Data blocks sector

Linux Booting Process

102) BIOS
103) MBR
104) GRUB
106) INIT
107) GETTY
108) LOGIN
109) SHELL
110) Run Levels
111) I-Node information
112) Array 13 pointers
113) /etc/profile configurations
114) .bashrc configurations

Shell Scripting

115) Working bash, ksh, sh and csh shells
116) Steps to Write shell scripting
117) Shebang
118) C project development steps in linux
119) Java installations and PATH setup
120) Developing Java Applications
121) Installing eclipse and Java applications development in elcipse
122) Installing and working with MySQL
123) Python Application development in Liunx
124) Shell command quotes
125) Command substitution into text
126) Shell Command line parameters
127) read command , reading data from stdinput
128) echo displaying output
129) preparing csv data format and writing to files
130) Arithmetic Operators
131) Relational operators
132) Logical operators
133) String comparison
134) Simple - If statement
135) If -else
136) Nested – if
137) Ladder -if
138) case statement
139) while loop
140) until loop
141) for loop
142) True and false commands
143) break , exit and continue
144) expr mathematical expressions
145) checking file attributes
146) checking for exist, file, dir, read , write and exe , owner
147) checking for empty file or not
148) comparing file time stamp
149) Transferring data files with all validations
150) Automation of admin activities using case statement
151) Data processing techniques
152) Filtering selected fields
153) Filtering records based on some conditions ( Where )
154) Data grouping ( Group BY )
155) Sorting data ( Sort By )
156) Applying Joins on Data files
157) Cross Join
158) Equi – Join
159) Performing CRUD Operations on Data
160) Interview Questions