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Date: Mar
25th @6:00AM
Faculty: Mrs. Swetha
Duration: 2 Months
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038.
Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
UI Technologies
WEB UI (User Interface)
1. HTML4,5
2. CSS2,3
3. JavaScript
4. Jquery
6. Responsive Design
7. Bootstrap
8. LESS and SCSS
9. Real Time Project
Module 1: Web Programming Introduction
- Architecture of a website
- Different technologies in making the website
- Web Development Introduction
Module 2: HTML-Introduction
- History of HTML
- What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page
- What are HTML Tags and Attributes?
- HTML Tag vs. Element
- HTML Attributes
Module 3: HTML-Basic Formatting Tags
- HTML Basic Tags
- HTML Formatting Tags
- HTML Color Coding
Module 4: HTML-Grouping Using Div Span
- Div and Span Tags for Grouping
Module 5: HTML-Lists
- Unordered Lists
- Ordered Lists
- Definition list
Module 6: HTML-Images
Module 7: HTML-Hyperlink
- URL - Uniform Resource Locator
- URL Encoding
Module 8: HTML-Table
- <table>
- <th>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <caption>
- <thead>
- <tbody>
- <tfoot>
- <colgroup>
- <col>
Module 9: HTML-Iframe
- Using Iframe as the Target
Module 10: HTML-Form
- < input >
- <textarea>
- < button >
- < select >
- < label >
Module 11: HTML-Headers
- Title
- Base
- Link
- Styles
- Script
- Meta
Module 12: HTML-Miscellaneous
- HTML Meta Tag
- HTML Deprecated Tags & Attributes
Module 1: CSS2-Introduction
- Benefits of CSS
- CSS Versions History
- CSS Syntax
- External Style Sheet using < link >
- Multiple Style Sheets
- Value Lengths and Percentages
Module 2: CSS2-Syntax
- CSS Syntax
- single Style Sheets
- Multiple Style Sheets
- Value Lengths and Percentages
Module 3: CSS2-Selectors
- ID Selectors
- Class Selectors
- Grouping Selectors
- Universal Selector
- Descendant / Child Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- CSS - Pseudo Classes
Module 4: CSS2-Color Background Cursor
- background-image
- background-repeat
- background-position
- CSS Cursor
Module 5: CSS2-Text Fonts
- color
- background-color
- text-decoration
- text-align
- vertical-align
- text-indent
- text-transform
- white space
- letter-spacing
- word-spacing
- line-height
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
Module 6: CSS2-Lists Tables
- list-style-type
- list-style-position
- list-style-image
- list-style
- CSS Tables
- border
- width & height
- text-align
- vertical-align
- padding
- color
Module 7: CSS2-Box Model
- Borders & Outline
- Margin & Padding
- Height and width
- CSS Dimensions
Module 8: CSS2-Display Positioning
- CSS Visibility
- CSS Display
- CSS Scrollbars
- CSS Positioning
- Static Positioning
- Fixed Positioning
- Relative Positioning
- Absolute Positioning
- CSS Layers with Z-Index
CSS Floats
- The float Property
- The clear Property
- The clear fix Hack
Introduction to JavaScript
- Introduction of client side script
- Introduction of javascript
- Cross browser issues.
- Declaration syntax of javascript
- Statements
- Comments
- Popup Boxes
- Alert
- Confirm
- Prompt
- Variables, Arrays and Operators
- Variables
- Operators
- Arithmetic
- Assignment
- Comparison
- Logical
Document Object Model
- Functions and types
- Conversion functions
Conditional Statements
- if
- if…else
- if…else if…else
- Switch
- while
- do…while
- for
- for…in Statement
- Break
- Continue
Window Object Document Object Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Array Properties and Methods
Advanced JavaScript
- Date object
- This object
- Event object
- State managament
- Cookie
- Form validation
- Expressions
- Email validation
- Dynamic functionalities of html controls
1. Class based oop, prototype base oop
2. Inheritance,encapsulation,polymorphism,constructor,this,super
3. Native objects
- Promises
- Clousers
- Arrow functions
HTML5 Introduction
- New Features and groups
- Backward Compatibility
- Why HTML5?
- Power of HTML5:
- m or mobi or touch domains
- Common Terms in HTML5
HTML5 Syntax
- Character Encoding:
Obsolete Elements/Deprecated Elements
- <acronym>
- <applet>
- <basefont>
- <big>
- <center>
- <dir>
- <font>
- <frame>
- <frameset>
- <isindex>
- <noframes>
- <s>
- <strike>
- <tt>
- <u>
- <xmp>
HTML5 New Elements
- New Semantic/Structural Elements
- <article>
- <aside>
- <bdi>
- <command>
- <details>
- <dialog>
- <summary>
- <figure>
- <figcaption>
- <footer>
- <header>
- <mark>
- <meter>
- <nav>
- <progress>
- <ruby>
- <rt>
- <rp>
- <section>
- <time>
- <wbr>
HTML5 Canvas
- What is Canvas?
- Create a Canvas
- Canvas Coordinates
- Canvas – Paths
- Canvas – Text
- Canvas – Gradients
- Canvas – Images
- What is SVG?
- SVG Advantages
- Differences Between SVG and Canvas
- Comparison of Canvas and SVG
HTML5 Drag/Drop
- Introduction
- Make an Element Draggable
- What to Drag?Where to Drop?
HTML5 Geo location
- Introduction
- Locate the User’s Position+
- Handling Errors and Rejections
- The getCurrentPosition()
- Geolocation object
HTML5 Video
- Introduction
- Video on the Web
- How It Works?
- Video Formats and Browser Support
- HTML5 Video Tags
HTML5 Audio
- Introduction
- Audio on the Web
- How It Works?
- Audio Formats and Browser Support
- HTML5 Audio Tags
HTML5 Input Types
- Introduction
- color
- date
- datetime
- datetime-local
- email
- month
- number
- range
- search
- tel
- time
- url
- week
HTML5 Form Elements
- <datalist>
- <keygen>
- <output>
HTML5 Form Attributes
- New attributes for <form> and <input>New attributes for <form>:
- autocomplete
- novalidate
New attributes for <input>
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- form, formaction
- formenctype,formmethod
- formnovalidate
- formtarget
- height and width
- list, min and max
- multiple
- pattern (regexp)
- placeholder
- required, step
HTML5 Semantic
- Introduction
- What are Semantic Elements?
- non-semantic elements: <div> and <span>
- semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <img>
- New Semantic Elements in HTML5
- <header>
- <nav>
- <section>
- <article>
- <aside>
- <figcaption>
- <figure>
- <footer>
HTML5 Web Storage
- What is HTML5 Web Storage?
- Browser Support
- The localStorage Object
- The sessionStorage Object
- Introduction
- CSS3 Modules
- Selectors
- Box Model
- Backgrounds and Borders
- Text Effects
- 2D/3D Transformations
- Animations
- Multiple Column Layout
- User Interface
- border-radius
- box-shadow
- border-image
CSS3 Backgrounds
- background-size
- background-origin
CSS3 Text Effects
CSS3 Fonts
- @font-face Rule
- font-stretch
- font-weight
CSS3 2D Transforms
- How Does it Work?
- Browser Support
- 2D Transforms
- translate()
- rotate()
- scale()
- skew()
- matrix()
CSS3 3D Transforms
CSS3 Transitions
- How does it work?
- transition-property, duration and delay
CSS3 Animations
- CSS3 @keyframes Rule
- Browser Support
- Animation, animation-duration
CSS3 Multiple Columns
- column-count
- column-gap
- column-rule
CSS3 User Interface
- resize
- box-sizing
- outline-offset
- What You Should Already Know
- What is jQuery ?
- Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
- Basic jQuery Example
- Downloading jQuery
- Alternatives to Downloading
- jQuery Syntax
- The Document Ready Function
- How to use Custom Scripts?
- Using Multiple Libraries
- jQuery – noConflict() Method
jQuery – Basics
- String
- Numbers
- Boolean
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Arguments
- Scope
- Built-in Functions
jQuery – Selectors
How to Use Selectors?
- jQuery – CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
- jQuery – CSS Element Class Selector and Universal Selector
- jQuery – CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector
- jQuery Callback Functions
jQuery – DOM Attributes
- Get Attribute Value
- Set Attribute Value
jQuery – DOM Traversing
- Find Elements by index
- Filtering out Elements
- Locating Descendent Elements
- JQuery DOM Traversing Methods
jQuery – CSS Methods
- Apply CSS Properties and Multiple CSS Properties
- Setting Element Width & Height
- JQuery CSS Methods
jQuery – DOM Manipulation Methods
- Content Manipulation
- DOM Element Replacement
- Removing DOM Elements
- Inserting DOM elements
- DOM Manipulation Methods
- Binding event handlers
- Removing event handlers
- Event Types
- The Event Object and Attributes
jQuery – Effects
- JQuery Effect Methods, Hide and Show
- jQuery Toggle
- jQuery Slide – slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle
- jQuery Fade – fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo
- jQuery Custom Animations
jQuery – AJAX
- load()
- get()
- post()
- ajax()
jQuery – JSON
Introduction to Ajax
- What is Ajax?
- What can you do with Ajax?
- Ajax and Web 2.0
- Ajax Basics
- Asynchronous requests to consume services or APIs
- Asynchronous Cross-Origin requests (CORS)
Javascript AJAX Call
- XMLHttpRequest object
- Open
- Send
- Onreadystatechange
- Response text
HTML Template Tag
- Working with Template tags
- Template tag features
- Template content cloning
- Manipulating template content and injecting new nodes
Ajax with jQuery
- Overview
- $.ajax() method and settings
- $.params() method
- jQuery and requests to JSON, XML, PHP sources
- jQuery and Template Tag
Responsive Design
Real Time Project