Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


TESTING TOOLS Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: July 29th @7:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Srinivas

Duration: 60 Days

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96


Manual Testing

1. Introduction of Software Testing

2. Software Development Process

3. Testing Techniques

4. Testing Methods

5. Levels of Testing

6. Unit Testing

7. System Testing

8. User Acceptance Testing

9. Types of Testing

10. Software Development Models

Others: FAQ’s

11. Software Engineering

12. QA Process and benefits of Process

13. Project Management Process

Change Management Process
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Verification and Validation

14. Verification Methods

15. Testing Roles and Responsibilities

16. Project Testing (BANK/INSURANCE Project)

17. Project Management Plan

18. Requirements

19. System Requirement Specification

20. Introduction about Project [BANKING/INSURANCE]

21. Software Testing Life Cycle

22. Test Initiation phase

23. Test Planning Phase

24. Projects & Technologies

25. Software Environment:

26. Test Case Execution

27. Defect Reporting and Tracking

28. Defect Reporting Through Bug Tracking Tools (Bugzilla/Jira/QC)

29. Agile Scrum Framework [Real Time Overview]


30. Status Reports

31. Retesting report

32. Reports from QC

33. Project Workflow (End – To – End)

34. Exit Criteria for Testing

35. CV Preparation Tips

Interview Tips & Mock Interviews



  • What is Automation Testing?
  • When to start automation?
  • When not to go for automation?
  • What are the advantages of automation testing?
  • What is Selenium
  • What are the advantages of selenium?
  • Difference between Selenium and QTP?

Selenium IDE

  • What is Selenium IDE
  • Installing IDE
  • Record and playback
  • Converting selenium script into other languages
  • Batch testing in IDE


  • Introduction to Java
  • Installing JDK
  • Configuring Eclipse IDE
  • Creating Java Project
  • Sample Java Program
  • Classes and Objects
  • Downloading Selenium server jar
  • Configuring Selenium into the Java Project
  • Conditional Statements in Java
  • Loops in Java
  • Arrays in Java
  • Array List in Java
  • Methods in Java
  • Utility Functions in Java
  • Local and Global variables in Java
  • Static and Instance Variables in Java
  • Hash Set in Java
  • Method Overloading in Java
  • Constructors in Java.
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Interfaces in Java.
  • Packages in Java.

Web Driver Introduction

  • Browser Launching Automation
  • Working on Firefox, Chrome, IE

Add on and Methods

  • Firebug and Fire path ---> Chropath
  • Login functionality test
  • Locators in WebDriver
  • Methods in WebDriver


  • Firefox Profiles
  • Making Web Driver launch a customized instance of Firefox
  • Basic HTML notations

Automating Links

  • Links Testing
  • Clicking on a link and validating
  • Capturing all links in a page
  • Capturing links from a section of the page
  • Capturing links from a section of the page and validating them.
  • Links Testing
    Visible links and Hidden links
  • Validating all the links based on href property
  • Checking for broken links

Automating Dropdowns

  • Dropdown Testing
  • Selection an option from the dropdown
  • Select class to automate dropdown
  • Capturing all element in a dropdown
  • Checking if all options in dropdown are working correctly
  • Validating multiple dropdowns


  • Types of Xpaths
  • Relative and Absolute
  • Creation of relative Xpaths
  • Creation of Absolute Xpaths
  • Customizing Xpaths
  • Handling Dynamic Xpaths
  • Xpath Axes

Using CSS Selectors

  • CSS Selectors
  • Creation of CSS Selectors
  • Comparison between Xpath and CSS Selectors
  • Relative and Absolute CSS
  • Handling Dynamic CSS Selectors


  • Introduction to TestNG
  • Configuring TestNG into Eclipse.
  • Annotations in TestNG.
  • Prioritizing test cases.
  • Ignoring Test cases.
  • Advantages of TestNG.
  • Using testing.xml

Tab and Popup Automation

  • Automating Tabs
  • Automating multiple windows
  • Handling popup
  • Handling Alerts


  • Introduction to Synchronization
  • Thread.sleep()
  • Implicit wait
  • Explicit Wait

Ajax Testing

  • What are Ajax Components
  • Handling Ajax Autosuggestions


  • Radio Buttons Testing
  • Checkboxes Testing
  • Automating input fields

Actions Class

  • Advanced user interactions
  • Mouse Hovering
  • Right Clicking
  • Double Clicking
  • Chain Actions
  • Drag and drop and element
  • Automating Slider bar

Automating WebTable

  • Introduction to WebTable Testing
  • Handling static WebTable
  • Handling dynamic WebTable
  • Automating Datepicker(calendar)

Excel Read/Write

  • Apache POI
  • Configuring POI into the project
  • Interacting with Excel
  • Read operations on excel
  • Write operations on excel
  • Dropdown Testing and storing the results in Excel
  • WebTable testing and storing the results in excel
  • Creating Data Driven Framework
  • Creating Test data excel files
  • Using the test data to test the web application


  • Creating a Data Engine to control the automation test suite
  • Keyword Driven Testing
  • Creation of Properties File
  • Object Repository
  • Creating Actions Keywords Excel file
  • Reflections in Java to handle keywords

Automating Window Components

  • Auto IT
  • Handling Window Components
  • Installing AutoIT
  • Notepad Automation
  • Integrating Auto IT and Selenium
  • File download using AutoIT
  • File upload using AutoIT

Version Controlling

  • GIT
  • Version Controlling
  • Installing GIt
  • GIT bash and GIT HUB
  • Creating a Git local repository
  • Creating Git Hub account
  • Uploading into Git hub (push)
  • Downloading from Git Hub (pull)


  • Introduction to Maven
  • Maven local and Global repositories
  • Creating a maven artifact from command prompt
  • Configuring maven project into Eclipse
  • Creating a Maven local repository
  • Adding Jars into Maven local repository
  • Stages in Maven.
  • Configuring Maven from Eclipse plug-in
  • Maven as a build tool

Grid II

  • Selenium Grid
  • What is Grid
  • Configuring Hub and Nodes
  • Serial and parallel testing
  • Cross browser Testing
  • Cross platform Testing
  • Customizing the nodes
  • Using JSON to configure Hub and Nodes
  • End to End Testing in Grid


  • Different tools for implementing CI
  • Jenkins
  • Continuous Integration
  • Downloading Jenkins
  • Dashboard of Jenkins
  • Scheduling the automation build
  • Sending automated mails when the build executes
  • Integrating Jenkins with Git.
  • Parallel testing of selenium programs on multiple browsers and OS using Jenkins