  Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  



Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: July 22nd @7:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Rakesh (25+ Yrs od Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)

Duration : 2 Months

Location: Maitrivanam, Hyderabad

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 8852 8852 96/97/63/64



  • Introduction to Software Testing
  • Software Development Process
  • Project Vs Product
  • Objectives of Testing
  • Software Testing Principles

Software Architecture

  • Different Layers (tiers)

System Environment

  • Development
  • QA
  • UAT
  • PROD

Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC Models

  • Waterfall Model
  • V-Model
  • Agile Methodology
  • Introducing Agile Process
  • Agile Manifesto
  • Agile Principles

Software Testing Methodologies

  • White Box Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • Gray Box Testing

Levels of Testing Unit Testing

  • Unit Test Approach

Integration Testing

  • Test Approach
  • Big Bang Integration
  • Top Down approach
  • Bottom up approach
  • Stub and Driver
  • Continuous Integration

System Testing

  • Testing Approach
  • Requirement based (Traceability)
  • Risk-Based (Risk factor number)

Functional Testing and Non Functional Testing

  • Functionality Testing
  • GUI / UI Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Volume Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Recovery Testing
  • Parallel Testing
  • Compliance Testing
  • Mutation Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Installation Testing
  • Sanitation Testing

Regression Testing & Types

  • Unit Regression
  • Regional Regression
  • Full Regression

User Acceptance Testing

  • Alpha Testing
  • Beta Testing
  • Regulatory Acceptance Testing
  • Operational Acceptance Testing
  • Contractual Acceptance Testing

Maintenance Testing

  • Maintenance Test Life cycle
  • Change Request
  • Impact Analysis Document
  • Types of Maintenance
    • Ad-hoc testing
    • Exploratory Testing
    • Risk / Priority based Testing
  • Smoke Test
  • Sanity Test

Globalization Testing

  • Internationalization Testing (L18N)
  • Localization Testing (L10N)

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Test Planning
  • Test Scenario / Test Case Design
  • Test Environment Setup
  • Test Execution
  • Test Closure

Test Process Documents

  • Test plan
  • Test scenarios
  • Test Case
  • RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix)
  • Defect Report

Test Case Authoring

  • Functional Test Case
  • Review of Test Case
  • Walkthroughs
  • Inspection
  • Peer Review
  • Traceability Matrix

Build Release Process

  • Standalone Application
  • Client – Server Application
  • Web Application

Defect Management Process

  • Defect Identification
  • Defect Reporting
  • Defect Tracking
  • Defect Re-training
  • Defect Closure
  • Bug / Defect life cycle
  • Severity & Priority

Test Closure

  • Criteria for Test Closure
  • Test summary Report

Agile Testing Concepts

  • What is agile testing
  • Agile testing quadrants
  • Agile Testing principles
  • Exploratory Testing
    • User stories
    • Story points
    • Designing test scenarios and test cases based on user stories

Agile Methods and Approaches

  • Introduction to Kanban Best Practices
  • Scrum
    • Getting Agile with Scrum
    • Scrum Origin
    • Projects where Scrum can be implemented
  • Characteristics of Scrum
  • Scrum framework
  • Main roles of a Scrum team
    • Product Owner
    • Scrum Team
    • Team
    • Chickens

Planning in Scrum

  • Goals of Planning
  • The planning onion
    • Define Vision
    • Create the Product Roadmap and Organize the Scrum Team
    • Release Planning
    • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrum

Ceremonies in Scrum

  • Sprint Planning Meetings
  • The Daily Scrum
  • Sprint Review Meeting
  • Sprint Retrospective

Main artifacts of a Scrum project

  • Product backlog
  • Sprint backlog
  • Burn down charts
  • Potentially Shippable Product Increment
  • Task Board
  • Using User stories to scale down a project
  • Concept of user stories
  • Format of user Stories
  • Writing user stories – Examples
  • Definition of Done

Test / Project management Tool: JIRA

  • Importance of JIRA and How to Install JIRA?
  • What are the features of JIRA
  • How to create a JIRA Project
  • Adding Users to our JIRA Account
  • Importance of Defect Life Cycle and understanding the various stages / states of a defect
  • Converting a Defect Life Cycle into JIRA workflow for a project
  • Adding Bugs to the JIRA Project
  • Attaching screenshots to the Bugs in JIRA
  • Assigning, Closing, Adding comments etc to the JIRA bugs
  • Creating and Customizing JIRA Dashboard


  • Project Metrics
  • QA and QC
  • Testing Certifications
  • Organization hierarchy
  • Role of Project Team members
  • Introduction to database
  • Interview Questions



  • What is Automated Testing?
  • Difference between Manual and Automated Testing
  • Licensed Vs Open Source Automation Tools
  • Overview of Selenium
  • Differences between Selenium and other Tools

Configuring Eclipse IDE

  • Installation of Java
  • Installation of Eclipse IDE
  • How to create new java project
  • How to create a new java class
  • Compiling and running java Class
  • Analyzing the results of java program

Data Types and Variables

  • Introduction to Java Programming
  • Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types
  • Types of Variable (Local, Instance and Static Variables)
  • What is an Array?
  • Type of Arrays
  • Working with Single Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Conditional Statements

  • If else condition
  • Nested If Else Condition
  • Switch case statement
  • Examples for all the above conditionals

Loop Statements

  • While loop
  • Do while
  • For loop
  • For each loop
  • Examples for all the above loops

Classes and Objects

  • How to create Classes, Objects and Object References
  • Working with Methods (instance, static)
  • How to write user defined methods
  • Method arguments call by value and call by reference


  • What is Package
  • Access Modifiers (Private, default, protected and public)
  • Encapsulation


  • What is inheritance?
  • Why to use inheritance?
  • Single Level Inheritance, Multi-Level inheritance
  • Inheritance (Relationship) Vs composition (Has a Relationship)
  • Super keyword
  • This keyword


  • What is polymorphism?
  • Compile time Polymorphism
  • Method overloading
  • Constructor overloading
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • Method Overriding
  • Final keyword

Interface and Abstract Class

  • How to define Interface
  • How to implement Interface
  • Multiple Inheritances (Through Interface)
  • How to define Abstract Class
  • Implements Vs extends
  • Interface Vs Abstract class Vs. Concrete Class

Exception Handling

  • What are exceptions and errors?
  • Checked Exception or Compiletime Exception
  • Unchecked Exception or Runtime Exception
  • How to handle exceptions in the program?
  • Using try, catch and finally blocks
  • Throw Vs throws


  • Overview of Collections API
  • Array vs Collections
  • List, set, map interfaces
  • Working with elements of a collection
  • Examples for all the above concepts

Database connection (JDBC)

  • How to configure MySQL database
  • How to configure with Eclipse
  • Connection Interface Commands
  • Statement Interface Commands
  • ResultSet Interface Commands
  • How to execute query

Debug Java code / Scripts in Eclipse

  • Understanding Debug
  • Using Breakpoints
  • Verify the values during debug
  • Using step over, step into

Selenium Web Driver

  • Features and Limitations of Selenium Webdrive
  • Configure Selenium with Eclipse IDE (Adding selenium Libraries)
  • Configure Selenium with Chrome, Firefox Driver, IE, Edgebrowser
  • Web Driver Interface
  • Chrome Driver, Firefox Driver, Internet Explorer Driver, Edge Driver classes
  • Browser navigation Commands
  • Handling Cookies


  • Object Identification
  • Find Element and find Elements
  • Different types of Locators
  • HTML tags and DOM structure
  • Identifying Objects using Xpath and cssSelectors
  • How to use Regular Expressions in Xpath and CSSSelectors

TextField, Checkbox, RadioButtons, Links and Buttons

  • WebElement Interface methods
  • Handling TextField and TextArea
  • Handling Checkbox’s
  • Handling RadioButtons
  • Handling Links and Buttons

Dropdowns, Alerts, Frames

  • Handling dropdowns / listboxes
  • Select Class methods
  • Handling alerts
  • Alert interface methods
  • Handling Frames / IFrames
  • TargetLocator interface methods

Actions Class, WebTable, Calendar

  • Mouse Events
  • Click, Doubleclick, contectClick, drag and drop, click and hold, release
  • Keyboard Events
  • How to scroll Page
  • Handling Auto Suggestions
  • Working with web Table Elements
  • Extracting data from Web Tables
  • Select data from calendar

Takes Screenshot, JavaScript Executor

  • Capture screenshot
  • How to perform actions using Java Script
  • Scroll into view
  • Highlight objects

Synchronization and Windows

  • How to use implicit Wait, page Load Timeout
  • How to use Explicit Wait
  • How to implement WebDriverWait
  • What are different Expected Conditions and how to use
  • How to implement FluentWait
  • How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs

Cucumber Framework



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