Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


SPRING Course Details

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Batch Date: Sept 24th @7:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Nagoor Babu

Venue :
Plot No : 402, 4th Floor, Manjeera Square,
Above Udupi Park Hotel, Beside Aster Prime Hospital,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038.

Ph.No: +91 - 8885252627, 7207212427/28




1. Introduction:
          1. Enterprise Appl
          2. Enterprise Application Layers
                   1. Presentation Layer
                   2. Business Layer
                   3. Data Access Layer
          3. System Architectures
                   1. 1-Tier Arch.
                   2. 2-Tier Arch.
                   3. n-Tier Arch
          4. Types of Enterprise Applications.
                   1. Web Applications
                   2. Distributed Applications
          5. Modeled Arch.
                   1. Model-I Arch.
                   2. Model-II Arch.
          6. MVC
          7. Requirement to user Frameworks
          8. Types of Frameworks
                   1. Web Frameworks
                   2. Application Frameworks
          9. Differences between Spring and Struts, JSF
          10. Spring History
          11. Spring Modules.
                   1. Spring1.x Modules              4. Spring4.x Modules
                   2. Spring2.x Modules              5. Spring5.x Modules
                   3. Spring3.x Modules

2. Steps To Prepare Spring Application[Core Module Application]:

1. Download Spring Framework from Internet.
2. Provide Spring Setup in Eclipse IDE
3. Prepare Bean Class
4. Prepare Bean Configuration File
5. Prepare Test / Client Appl.

3. Core Module
          1. Introduction
          2. IOC Containers
                   1. BeanFactory
                             1. XmlBeanFactory
                             2. Resources
                                      1. ByteArrayResource
                                      2. FileSystemResource
                                      3. ClassPathResource
                                      4. InputStreamResource
                                      5. UrlResource
                                      6. ServletContextResource
                                      7. PortletContextResource
                   2. ApplicationContext
                             1. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
                             2. FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
                             3. WebXmlApplicationContext                 
          3. Beans in Spring Framework
                   1. Beans Definition
                   2. Beans Configuration
                             1. XML Based Configuration  3. Java Based Configuration
                             2. Annotation Based Configuration
                   3. Bean Scopes
                             1. singleton Scope
                             2. prototype Scope
                             3. request Scope
                             4. session Scope
                             5. globalSession Scope
                             6. application Scope
                             7. webSocket scope
                             8. Custom Scopes in Spring Framework.
                   4. Bean Lifecycle
                             1. Bean Loading
                             2. Bean Instantiation
                                      1. By Constructor
                                      2. By Static Factory Method
                                      3. By Instance Factory Method
                             3. Bean Initialization and Destruction
                                      1. By Custom initialization and destruction methods.
                                      2. By InitializingBean and DesposableBean callback interfaces.
                                      3. By @PostConstruct and @Predestroy annotations
                   5. Beans Inheritance
                   6. Nested Beans
                   7. BeanPostProcessor
          4. Inversion Of Control[IOC]
                   1. Dependency Lookup
                             1. Dependency Pull
                             2. Contextualized Dependency Lookup
                   2. Dependency Injection
                             1. Constructor Dependency Injection
                             2. Setter Method Dependency Injection
                   3. Different Types of Elements Injection
                             1. User defined data types elements injection.
                             2. List types injection
                             3. Set types injection
                             4. Map Types Injection
                             5. Proprtties types Injection
                   4. Circular Dependency Injection
          5. Name Spaces
                   1. P-Name space
                   2. C-Name Space
          6. Beans Autowiring or Beans Collaboration
                   1. Autowiring and its Modes
                             1. no
                             2. byName
                             3. byType
                             4. constructor
                   2. Annotation Based Wiring
                   3. Autodiscovery or Stereo Types
                   4. Java based Autowiring[Java Based Configuration]
          7. Method Injection
                   1. Lookup Method Injection
                   2. Arbitrary Method Replacement
          8. Event Handling
                   1. ContextRefreshedEvent
                   2. ContextStartedEvent
                   3. ContextStoppedEvent
                   4. ContextClosedEvent
                   5. RequestHandledEvent
                   6. Custom Events In Spring Framework
          9. Bean Validations in Spring Framework
          10. Internationalization in Spring Framework
          11. Bean Manipulations and Bean Wrappers     
          12. Property Editors
                   1. ByteArrayPropertyEditor
                   2. ClassEditor
                   3. CustomBooleanEditor
                   4. CustomCollectionEditor
                   5. CustomNumberEditor
                   6. FileEditor
                   7. InputStreamEditor
                   8. LocaleEditor
                   9. PatternEditor
                   10. PropertiesEditor
                   11. StringTrimmerEditor
                   12. URLEditor
                   13. Custom Property Editors[USer defined]
          13. Profiling
          14. Spring Expression Language[SpEL]
                   1. SpEL Expressions
                   2. SpEL Operators
                   3. SpEL Variables
                   4. SpEL Medthod Invocations
                   5. SpEL Collections

4. Spring JDBC/DAO Module:
          1. Introduction
          2. DAO Definition
          3. Advantages of DAOs
          4. Drawbacks with DAOs
          5. Guidelines to prepare DAOs
          6. Pain JDBC Vs Spring JDBC
          7. JdbcTemplate
          8. NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
                   1. Parameter values through Map
                   2. Parameter Values through SqlParameterSource
                             1. MapSqlParameterSource
                             2. BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
          9. SimpleJdbcTemplate
          10. DAO Support Classes
                   1. JdbcDaoSupport
                   2. NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport
                   3. SimpleJdbcDaoSupport
          11. Spring Batch Updations or Batch Processing
          12. Stored Procedure and Functions in Spring JDBC
                   1. Procedures and Functions without CURSOR Types
                   2. Procedures and Functions with CURSOR Types
          13. Blob and Clob processing in Spring JDBC
                   1. AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback
                   2. AbstractLobStreamingResultSetExtractor
                   3. LobCreator
                   4. LobHolder
          14. Connection Pooling in Spring JDBC
                   1. Default Connection Pooling Mech.
                   2. Third Party Connection Pooling Mechanisms
                             1. Apache DBCP
                             2. C3P0
                             3. Proxool
                   3. Application Servers provided Connection Pooling Mechanism
                             1. Weblogic12c provided Connection Pooling Mechanism.

5. Spring ORM
          1. Introduction
          2. Hibernate Integration with Spring                   
                   1. Hibernate Introduction
                   2. Hibernate Application Development
                   3. Spring with Hibernate Integration.
          3. JPA Integration with Spring
                   1. JPA Introduction.
                   2. JPA Application development
                   3. Spring with JPA Integration.
          4. iBatis integration with Spring
                   1. iBatis Introduction.             3. Spring with iBatis Integration.
                   2. iBatis Application Development.

6. Aspect Oriented Programming [AOP]
          1. Introduction
          2. AOP Terminalogy
                   1. Aspect
                   2. Advice
                   3. JoinPoint
                   4. Pointcut
                   5. Introduction
                   6. Target
                   7. Proxy
                   8. Weaving
                   9. Advisor
          3. Types of AOPs
                   1. Proxy Based AOP
                   2. Declarative Based AOP
                   3. Annotation Based AOP
          4. Advices
                   1. Before Advice
                   2. After Advice
                   3. After-Returning Advice
                   4. Around Advice
                   5. After-Throwing Advice
          5. Pointcuts
                   1. Static Pointcut
                   2. Dynamic Pointcut.

7. Spring Transactions
          1. Introduction
          2. Transaction Attributes
          3. Isolation Levels
          4. Programmatic Based Transactions
          5. Declarative Based Transactions.
          6. Annotation Based Transactions

8. Spring web MVC Module
          1. Introduction
          2. Spring MVC Flow
          3. Controllers
                   1. Abstract Controller
                   2. ParameterizableViewController
                   3. MultiActionController
                   4. Command Controllers
                             1. AbstractCommandController
                             2. AbstractFormController
                             3. SimpleFormController
                             4. AbstractWizardFormController
          4. Handler Mappings
                   1. BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
                   2. SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
          5. HandlerInterceptor
          6. ViewResolvers
                   1. AbstractCachingViewResolver
                   2. XmlViewResolver
                   3. ResourceBundleViewResolver
                   4. UrlBasedViewResolver
                   5. InternalResourceViewResolver
                   6. VelocityViewResolver / FreeMarkerViewResolver
          7. Spring Exception Handling
          8. File Uploading and File Downloading
          9. Internationalization
          10. Spring MVC with Tiles

9. Spring Web:
          1. Introduction
          2. Spring Integration with Struts.
          3. Spring Integration with JSF.

10. Spring Security
          1. Spring Security Introduction
          2. Spring Security Features
          3. Spring Security  XML Based Example
          4. Spring Security Java Based Example


  1. Spring Boot Introduction
  2. Spring Boot Features
  3. Spring Boot Application with Eclipse IDE using MAVEN.
  4. Spring Boot Application with STS.
  5. Spring Boot Application with Spring boot Initializr and Spring boot CLI
    [Command Line Interface].
  6. Accessing Spring Boot Application with 'POSTMAN' web tool.
  7. User Forms Application in Spring Boot.
  8. Spring Boot Starters.
  9. Spring boot Auto configurations
  10. Spring Boot Embeded Containers
  11. Spring Boot Actuators
  12. Spring Boot Profilers
  13. Spring boot Web MVC
  14. Spring Boot With Spring JDBC.
  15. COnnection Pooling Mechanisms In Spring Boot.
  16. In-Memory Databases in Spring Boot.
  17. Spring boot Data JDBC.
  18. Spring boot Data JPA.


1. Introduction
1. Enterprise
2. Enterprise Application
3. Enterprise Application Layer

1. User Interface Layer
2. Business Processing Layer
3. Data Storage and Access Layer

4. Data Persistency

1. Data Persistency through Serialization and Deserialization
2. Data Persistency through JDBC
3. Data Persistency through ORM

5. Paradigm Mismatches

1. Granualarity Mismatch
2. Sub Types Mismatch
3. Associations Mismatch
4. Identity Mismatch

2. EJBs Vs Hibernate
3. JPA Vs Hibernate

8. Hibernate History
9. Hibernate Features
10. Hibernate Arch.

2. Steps to Prepare Hibernate Application
1. Persistence Class / POJO class
2. Mapping File
3. Hibernate Configuration File
4. Client Application

3. Hibernate Applications
1. Hibernate Application with Main Class as Client.
2. Hibernate Application with GUI Application as Client.
3. Hibernate Application with Servlet as Client.
4. Hibernate Application with JSP Page as Client.
5. Hibernate Application with Struts Application as Client.
6. Hibernate Application with MYSQL DB
7. Hibernate Application with Multiple DBs [Oracle DB and MySQL DB]
8. Hibernate Basic Annotations [Without Mapping File]
9. Hibernate Application without Configuration File
10. Hibernate Application with Composite Keys.

4. Hibernate Persistence Object Lifecycle
1. Transient State
2. Persistent State
3. Detached State
4. Removed State

5. Hibernate Tools
1. Schema Export
2. Schema Update
3. Code Generation

6. Primary Key Generation Algorithms [XMl and Annotations]
1. Assign
2. Increment
3. Sequence
4. Identity
5. Hilo
6. Seq-Hilo
7. Native
9. Foreign
10. GUID
11. Select

7. Transaction Management
1. ACID Properties

1. Automicity
2. Consistnacy
3. Isolation
4. Durability

2. Transaction Management in JDBC

1. Automicity Achievement in JDBC
2. Isolation Problems

3. Transaction Management in Hibernate

8. Hibernate Query Language [HQL]
1. HQL Elements

1. Clauses

1. 'From' Clause
2. 'Select' Clause
3. 'Where' Clause
4. 'Order by' Clause
5. 'Group by' Clause
6. 'Having' Clause

2. Aggregate Functions

1. count(-)
2. sum(-)
3. min(-)
4. max(-)
5. avg(-)

3. Generic Expressions

1. Arithmetic Operators in Generic Expressions
2. Comparision Operations in Generic Expressions
3. Scalar Functions in Generic Expressions

1. In
2. Between
3. Like
4. is null
5. is not null

4. Associations and Joins
5. Parameters

1. Positional parameters
2. Names Parameters

6. Subqueries

1. Pagination
2. HQL with Updations

9. Native SQL
1. Scalar SQL Queries
2. Stored Procedures and Functions

10. Criteria API

11. Hibernate Filters

12. Hibernate Mappings
1. Basic 'OR' Mapping
2. Component Mapping
3. Inheritance Mapping

1. Table per Class Hierarcy
2. Table per Sub-Class
3. Table per Concreate Class

4. Associations Mapping

1. One-To-One Association
2. One-To-Many Association
3. Many-To-One Association
4. Many-To-Many Association

13. Connection Pooling
1. Inbuilt Connection Pooling Support in Hibernate.
2. Third Party Connection Pooling Mechanisms C3P0, Proxool, DBCP.....
3. Connection Pooling through Weblogic Server JNDI.

14. Cache Mechanisms
1. I level Cache
2. II Level Cache


1. Introduction
2. POM[Project Object Model] File INtroduction.
3. Project Descriotion
4. Repositories
5. Dependency Management
6. Dependency Scope
7. Project Inheritance
8. Build Configurations
9. Build Profiles
10. Arche Types
11. MAVEN Setup and MAVEN With Standalone Applipcation
12. MAVEN Setup in Eclipse IDE with Standalone Application
13. MAVEN With Oracle Driver Setup
14. MAVEN With JDBC App Using Oracle,
15. MAVEN With JDBC App using MySQL Database
16. MAVEN With Web Application With out Database
17. MAVEN With Web Application Using Oracle and MySQL Database
18. MAVEN With Hibernate Application
19. MAVEN With Spring Application


1. Introduction
2. Drawbacks with SYstem.out.println() Method
3. Log4j Def
4. Log4j Advantages
5. Log4j Features
6. Log4j Arch-1
7. Log4j Setup in Eclipse IDE with Standalone Application
8. Log4j Configuration Files
9. File Appender
10. Types Of File Appender
12. Console Appender
13. Log4j Layouts
14. Log4j in JDBC Applications
15. Log4j in Web Applications