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Date: Dec
10th @8:00AM
Faculty: Mr. Sai (25+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Corporate Trainer)
Duration: 30 Days
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
Lightning Web Components
➔ Introduction to Lightning Web-Components:
- Difference Between Application Development in Classic Environment and Lightning Environment.
- Difference between MVC Architecture & SPA Architecture.
- Flaws of MVC Pattern and Advantages of SPA over MVC.
- Comparison between Visualforce, LAC and LWC.
- Introduction to Markup Languages.
- Introduction of HTML.
- Basic HTML Tags
- List Tags
- Table Tags
- Form Designing Tags
- Introduction to CSS
- Types of CSS- Inline, Internal & External CSS
- CSS- Colours, Fonts and Sizes
- Introduction to JAVASCRIPT
- Introduction to Scripting languages.
- Types of Scripting Languages.
- Type of JavaScript.
- Structure of JavaScript.
- Variables & Operators in JavaScript.
- Datatypes & Null Vs Undefined.
- Input and Output Statements in JavaScript.
- Conditional Statements.
- Introduction to Functions.
- Dialog boxes in JavaScript – Alert, Prompt & Confirm.
- Arrow Functions, Spread Operator[…]
- Destructruing , String Interpolation, String Methods, Object Methods.
- Array Methods-Map(), Every(),Filter(),sort(),….
- Promises- promise.all(),promise.race() & promise.any().
- Events, SetTimeOut vs SetTime Interval, QuerySelectors
➔ Software Installation:
- VS-Code
- Salesforce-cli
- Salesforce extension pack.
➔ Basics of LWC:
- Design the first lwc components
- One-way and two-way databinding
- Decorators(@api,@wire,@track)
- getters in lwc
- Conditional-rendering(if:true,if:false)
- Template looping(for:each and iterator)
➔ Composition and Query Selectors
➔ Styles in LWC
- Inline styling and external css
- Lightning design system
- Shared css
- Dynamic styling
➔ Lifecycle Hooks
- Flow of licecycle hooks
- Connected-callback, Rendereedcallback, Errorcallback, Disconnected-callback
- Create a signin and signup form using render method.
➔ Component Communication:
- Parent to Child communication
→ Under these again we have 4 approaches
- Child to parent communications by creating custom event.
→ Demonstrating a realtime userstories by creating different form and making an interaction between parent to child components.
➔ Communication between Independent Components: PUBSUB AND LMS
- Lightning Message service:
→ Communication between lwc to lwc
→ Communication between lwc to aura
→ Communication between lwc,aura and visualforce.
➔ Salesforce Resource Component Context and Notifications.
- Images from static resources
- Thirdparty javascript libraries in lwc
- Using Thirdparty css library
- Content Asset Files
- Access labels
- Access Client Form Factor
- Get Information About the Current User
- Fetch recordid and object name
- Toast Notifications
➔ Base Lightning Components
- Lightning-record-view-form
- Lightning-record-edit-form
- Lightning-record-form
- Illustrating different examples on account,contact, and opportunity, lead and case object.A part from that creating different forms using the custom objects also.
➔ Apex in LWC
- when to use apex method
- How to import and expose apex methods
- wire apex method with parameters
- call apex methods imperatively
➔ Navigation Service
- Navigate To Home
- Navigate To Chatter
- Navigation To New Record
- Navigate To List View
- Navigate To Files
- Navigate To Record Page in View and Edit Mode
- Navigate to tab
- Navigate to external web-page
- Navigate To lwc-component
- Navigate to vf-page.
➔ LDS Wire Adapters
- Create records, update records, delete records from the component.
- Wire method, How wire is reactive
- Different types of examples needs to be covered for wire adapters.
➔ Book-listing Api with rest callout
➔ Introduction to experience(community) cloud and deploying the lwc components to experience cloud