SALESFORCE CRM Course Details |
Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..
Date: Feb
10th @8:00AM
Faculty: Mr. Sai (25+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Corporate Trainer)
Duration: 3 Months
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
1. Introduction
- Salesforce.com Course Contents
- Introduction to IT,Cloud computing and its types of services
- Introduction to Salesforce, Different types of Salesforce Cloud, Partners
- Multitenant Architecture ,Editions,Environments,Versions and typesof Cloud (Private, Public and Hybrid)
- MVC Pattern
2. Configuration
- Basic Vocabulary - Principles of Design (How to Identify Apps,sObject, Fields and Why Apps, sObjects, Fields)
- Account registration, Creation of Basic Vocabulary in Developer Account
- Drawbacks of Traditional Approach, Introduction to Relationships
- Types of Relationships -Self,Lookup and Master detail
- Types of Relationships-Many to Many,Rollup Summery Relationships
- Introduction to Validation Rules, Types and their Implementations
- Page Layouts and Record types
- Cross Object Formula Field,Globla Picklist Values,Fileld Track History,Filed Dependency,Multi Select Picklist
3. CRM
(Marketing , Sales and Service)
- Introduction to CRM and Comparision with Other CRM
- Industries- Clients, Communication, Financials,Health Care, Manufacturing, HR
- CRM Architecture - Marketing, Sales and Service Cloud
- Working with Salesforce CRM (Standard Objects)
- Campaigns,Lead, Account, Contact,Opportunity
- Product, Price Book,Forecast, Qoutes, Orders,Contract
- Asset, Activity, Task,Event, Case, Solution, Answers
- SFDC CRM life Cycle
- PaaS of Salesforce.com CRM - Lead Assignment Rule, Lead Auto Response
- Web to Lead, Email to Case
- Sales Process, Lead Process ,Support Process
- Service Cloud : Live Agent and Omni Channel
- Introduction to App Exchange
4. Administration
- Introduction to Administration, Difference between Security and Protection
- Data Management - Data Migration
- Data Import Wizard,Data Loader / Dataloader.io
- Difference between Data loader and Data loader.io
- Workflows
- Process Builder
- Approvals
- Flows
- Reports and Report types,Dashboards
- Introduction to Security Components
- Organizational Level Security (Login IP Ranges, Login Time, Password Policies)
- S-object Level Security (Profiles and Permission Sets)
- Field Level Security (Profiles and Permission Sets)
- Record level Security (OWD,Roles Hirarchy, Sharing Rules and Manual Sharing)
- Roles, Queues and Public Groups
- Email Templates
- Internal and External Users(Community and Portal Users)
5. Development
- Introduction to Software languages(HLL,Assembly and Low Level language )
- Introduction to HLL (Programming Languages, Scripting Language and Markup Language)
- Introduction to Programming Language(Monolithic,Structured,POPL,OBL,OOPL)
- Comparision to between Natural and Formal Languages
- Types of Tokens (Identifiers,keywords,literals,Strings and Operators )
- Types of Statements(Memory, ALU, I/O and Control statements ) with Examples
- Memory Statement- Datatypes (Prmitive,Complex)
- ALU Statement (Operators and its types) with example programs
- Control Statements and It's tpyes (Simple condition:- Simple if,If else,If else if,Series of if and Nested if )
- Iterative Statements (Range based : (For loop, For each) Condition based : While and Do-While )
- Jump Statements: Return Statements
- Introduction to Functions: Types, System defined and User defined and Parts of the Functions
- Introduction to OOPS: Encpasulation,Abstaction, Polymorphism and Introduction to Inheritance
- Introduction to Class:- Definition, Syntax and Expamples
- Types of Class: Business class and Test Class
- Introduction to Object and Constructor and their Syntax
- Types of Abstractions (Protected,Private,Public and Global)
- Basic Programs with 5 Examples
- THIS Operator
- Constructor and its types
- Polymorpshim(Method OverLoading, Operator Over Loading, Constructor Over Loading)
- Collections(List , Set, Map and its related methods)
- Exception Handling and Assertions
- Annorations(@isTest,@future,@depricated)
- Database Statements (DML,SOQL and SOSL)
- VisualForce
- Introduction to Mark Up Language- Basic HTML Tags , Form Related tags
- Visualforce Components - Input, Output, Action
- Different Types of Controllers -Standard, Custom, Stadard List , Custom List , Extensions , Standard Set Controllers
- Schedule Apex
- Batch Apex
- Triggers - Before and After Events
- Integration
- Introduction to Integration
- Types of Integration
- REST API Through WorkBench
6. Lightning Development Real time Project Modules
- Intoduction to Lightning
- Intoduction to salesforce lightning platform
- What is Lightning ?
- Difference Between Traditional Web Application Approach to Single Page Application
- Difference Between Classic and Lightning
- Lightning Schema
- Create sObjects , Fields & Relationships ,Tab , Lightning App
- App Customization Using Lightning App Builder
- Hands on Challenge
- Intoduction to Lightning Development
- Lightning Component Framework Overview
- Domain Creation
- Intoduction to Lightning Development
- Understanding Lightning Bundle
- Component
- Controller
- Helper
- Style
- Documentation
- Renderer
- Design
- SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)
- Lightning Component Library
- Namespcaes & Expression
- Types of Attribute & Value Providers
- Calling Mechanism
- Combining App , Component And Client Side Controller
- Connect Componets With Events
- Application Event , Component Events , Browser Events & System Events
- Hands on Challenge
- Referring STYLE Resources and SLDS
- Usecase of Lightning
- aura:if,aura:iteration,lightning:input,lightning:button,lightning:datatable
- Calling Mechanism
- Create and Edit Record through Lightning Component
- Search Records Dynamically
- Hands on Challenge
- Insert and Dynamic Display in same page
- Search Records Dynamically without Button
- Delete Operation through Lightning Component
- Introduction to LDS(Lightning Data Service)
- Lightning:RecordForm , force:recordata