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REST API Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: Sept 1st @8:30PM

Faculty: Mr. Shankar (7+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)

Duration: 40 Days

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96



1. Introduction to Django Web Framework

2. Introduction to REST and API

3. Introduction to Restful Webservices

4. What is the use of Django Rest Framework(DRF)

5. Django Rest Framework(DRF) Advantages and Constraints

6. Differences between Django Framework and Django Rest Framework(REST API)

7. What are Pre-requisites to learn REST API.

8. REST API Configuration and Installation

9. Serialization and Deserialization

10. Differences between JSON data type and XML data type.

11. Why JSON data type is getting more popularity?

12. What are Action and handler methods.

13. Differences between HTTP methods and Database CURD commands

14. Explain about REST API Architecture (M-V-S).

15. About Models Concept?

16. About Views Concept.

17. Explain about Function Based Views and Class Based Views?

18. Django REST Framework Function based views to developing APIs.

19. Django REST Framework Class based views to developing APIs.

20. Types of Modules in Python

21. About REST API Predefined modules

22. Developing APIs using APIView Class

23. Explaining about Postman tool installation and Testing APIs.

24. Explaining about Status Codes Concept

25. Developing APIs using "mixins" module

a. ListModelMixin
b. CreateModelMixin
c. UpdateModelMixin
d. DestroyModelMixin
e. RetrieveModelMixin

26. Developing APIs using "generics" module

a. ListAPIView
b. CreateAPIView
c. RetrieveAPIView
d. UpdateAPIView
e. DeleteAPIView
f. ListCreateAPIView
g. RetrieveUpdateAPIView
h. RetrieveDestroyAPIView
i. RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

27. Developing APIs using viewsets module

a. ViewSet Class
b. ModelViewSet Class

28. Explain about roouters module concept

29. What is use of @apiview[] decorators concept.

30. How to providing Security to APIs

a. Authentications
b. Authorizations

31. Types of Security Mechanisms

a. BasicAuthentication
b. SessionAuthentication
c. TokenAuthentication
d. JWT Authentication

32. Types of Permissions

a. AllowAny
b. IsAuthenticated
c. IsAdminUser
d. IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly .

33. How to integrate RESTAPI with existing Django Project?

34. Github (Code Hosting Platform) using command line prompt.

35. Github (Code Hosting Platform) using Pycharm IDE

36. Virtual Environment Concept

37. Explaining about Swagger tool.

38. Accessing APIS from one application to another application

39. How to make communication from Consumer Application with Provider Application?

40. What is use of @csrf_exempt decorator

41. How to use existing free APIs.

42. How to get and use Paid APIs.

43. Consuming API using Javascript.

44. Handling APIs using UI

45. Some Pratical RESTAPI Tasks.