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Date: Apr 7th @6:00AM
Faculty: Mr. N. Vijay Sunder Sagar (20+ Yrs of Exp,..)
Duration : 2 Months
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
1. Python Basics
- What is Python
- Why Python?
- History of python
- Applications of Python
- Features of Python
- Advantages of Python
- Versions of Python
- Installation of Python
- Flavors of Python
- Comparision b/w various programming languages C, Java and Python
2. Python Operations
- Python Modes of Execution
- Interactive mode of Execution
- Batch mode of Execution
- Python Editors and IDEs
- Python Data Types
- Python Constants
- Python Variables
- Comments in python
- Output Print(),function
- Input() Function :Accepting input
- Type Conversion
- Type(),Id() Functions
- Comments in Python
- Escape Sequences in Python
- Strings in Python
- String indices and slicing
3. Operators in Python
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparision Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Short Hand Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
4. Python IDE’s
- Pycharm IDE Installation
- Working with Pycharm
- Pycharm components
- Installing Anaconda
- What is Conda?
- Anaconda Prompt
- Anaconda Navigator
- Jupyter Notebook
- Jupyter Features
- Spyder IDE
- Spyder Featueres
- Conda and PIP
5. Flow Control statements
- Block/clause
- Indentation in Python
- Conditional Statements
- if stmt
- if…else statement
- if…elif…statement
6. Looping Statements
- while loop,
- while … else,
- for loop
- Range() in for loop
- Nested for loop
- Break statememt
- Continue statement
- Pass statement
7. Strings in Python
- Creating Strings
- String indexing
- String slicing
- String Concatenation
- String Comparision
- String splitting and joining
- Finding Sub Strings
- String Case Change
- Split strings
- String methods
8. Collections in Python
- Introduction
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Operations on collections
- Functions for collections
- Methods of collection
- Nested collections
- Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
9. Python Lists
- List properties
- List Creation
- List indexing and slicing
- List Operations
- List addresses
- List functions
- Different ways of creating lists
- Nested Lists
- List modification
- List insertion and deletion
- List Methods
10. Python Tuples
- Tuple properties
- Tuple Creation
- Tuple indexing and slicing
- Different ways of creating tuples
- Tuple Operations
- Tuple Addresses
- Tuple Functions
- Nested Tuples
- Tuple Methods
- Differences b/w List and Tuple
11. Python Sets
- Set properties
- Set Creation
- Set Operations
- Set Functions
- Set Addresses
- Set Mathematical Operations
- Set Methods
- Insertion and Deletion operation
12. Python Dictionary
- Dictionary properties
- Dictionary Creation
- Dictionary Operations
- Dictionary Addresses
- Nested Dictionaries
- Dictionary Methods
- Insertion and Deletion of elements
- Differences b/w list tuple and set and Dictionary
13. Functions in Python
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Properties of Function
- Examples of Functions
- Categories of Functions
- Argument types
- default arguments
- non-default arguments
- keyword arguments
- non keyword arguments
- Variable Length Arguments
- Variables scope
- Call by value and Call by Reference
- Passing collections to function
- Local and Global variables
- Recursive Function
- Boolean Function
- Passing functions to function
- Anonymous or Lamda function
- Filter() and map() functions
- Reduce Function
14. Modules in Python
- What is a module?
- Different types of module
- Creating user defined module
- Setting path
- The import statement
- Normal Import
- From … Import
- Module Aliases
- Reloading a module
- Dir function
- Working with Standard modules -Math, Random, Date time and os modules,
15. Packages
- Introduction to packages
- Defining packages
- Importing from packages
- file
- Defining sub packages
- Importing from sub packages
16. Errors and Exception Handling
- Types of errors
- Compile-Time Errors
- Run-Time Errors
- What is Exception?
- Need of Exception handling
- Predefined Exceptions
- Try,Except, finally blocks
- Nested blocks
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- User defined Exceptions
- Raise statement
17. File Handling
- Introduction
- Types of Files in Python
- Opening a file
- Closing a file
- Writing data to files
- Tell( ) and seek( ) methods
- Reading a data from files
- Appending data to files
- With open stmt
- Various functions
18. OOPs Concepts
- OOPS Features
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Class
- Object
- Static and non static variables
- Defining methods
- Diff b/w functions & methods
- Constructors
- Parameterized Constructors
- Built –in attributes
- Object Reference count
- Destructor
- Garbage Collection
- Inheritance
- Types of Inheritances
- Object class
- Polymorphism
- Over riding
- Super() statement
19. Regular Expressions
- What is regular expression?
- Special characters
- Forming regular expression
- Compiling regular expressions
- Grouping
- Findall() function
- Finditer() function
- Sub() function
- Match() function
- Search() function
- Matching vs searching
- Splitting a string
- Replacing text
- validations
20. Database Access
- Introduction
- Installing mysql database
- Creating database users,
- Installing Oracle Python modules
- Establishing connection with mysql
- Closing database connections
- Connection object
- Cursor object
- Executing SQL queries
- Retrieving data from Database.
- Using bind variables executing
- SQL queries
- Transaction Management
- Handling errors
21. Python Date and Time
- How to Use Date &DateTime Class
- Time and date Objects
- Calendar in Python
- The Time Module
- Python Calendar Module
22. Operating System Module
- Introduction
- getcwd
- listdir
- chdir
- mkdir
- rename file/dir
- remove file/dir
- rmtree()
- Os help
- Os operations
23. Advanced concepts
- Python Iterator
- Python Generator
- Python closure
- Python Decorators
- Web Scraping
- Working with CSV files
- Working with XML files
- Working with JSON files
- Debugging
24. GUI Programming (tkinter)
- Introduction
- Components and events
- Root window
- Labels
- Fonts and colors
- Buttons, checkbox
- Label widget
- Message widget
- Text widget
- Radio button
- image
25. Excel Workbook
- Installing and working with Xlsx writer
- Creating Excel Work book
- Inserting into excel sheet
- Insetting data into multiple excel sheets
- Creating headers
- Installing and working with xlrd module
- Reading a specific cell or row or column
- Reading specific rows and columns
26. Data Analytics
- Introduction
- pandas module
- Numpy module
- Matplotlib module
- Working Examples
27. Introduction to Datascience
- Machine Learning Introduction
- Datasets
- Supervised /Unsupervised Learning
- Statistical Analysis
- Data Analysis
- Uni-variate/multi-variate analysis
- Corelation Analysis
- Algorithm types
- Applications
28. Python Pandas
- Introduction to Pandas
- Creating Pandas Series
- Creating Data Frames
- Pandas Data Frames from dictionaries
- Pandas Data Frames from list
- Pandas Data Frames from series
- Pandas Data Frames from CSV, Excel
- Pandas Data Frames from JSON
- Pandas Data Frames from Databases
- Pandas Data Functionality
- Pandas Timedelta
- Creating Data Frames from Timedelta
- Pandas Groupings and Aggregations
- Converting Data Frames from list
- Creating Functions
- Converting Different Formats
- Pandas and Matplotlib
- Pandas usecases
29. Python Numpy
- Introduction to Numpy
- Numpy Arrays
- Numpy Array Indexing
- 2-D and 3Dimensional Arrays
- Numpy Mathematical operations
- Numpy Flattening and reshaping
- Numpy Horizontal and Vertical Stack
- Numpy linespace and arrange
- Numpy asarray and Random numbers
- Numpy iterations and Transpose
- Numpy Array Manipulation
- Numpy and matplotlib
- Numpy Linear Algebra
- Numpy String Functions
- Numpy operations and usecases
- Numpy Working Examples
30. Python Matplotlib
- Introduction to matplotlib
- Installing matplotlib
- Generating graphs
- Normal plottings
- Generating Bargraphs
- Histograms
- Scatter plots
- Stack plots
- Pie plots
- Matplotlib working examples