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PYTHON Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: Apr 6th & 7th @9:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Prakash Babu
(15+ Yrs of Exp,..)

Duration : 5 Weekends Batch

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038.

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96




  • Introduction
  • Features of Python
  • Limitations of Python
  • Flavors of Python
  • Python Versions
  • Identifiers
  • Reserved Words
  • Base Conversions
  • Slicing of Strings
  • Fundamental Data Types vs Immutability
  • Escape Characters
  • Constants


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators OR Comparison Operators
  • Equality Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Oeprators
  • Shift Operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Ternary Operator OR Conditional Operator
  • Special operators
  • Operator Precedence
  • Mathematical Functions (math Module)
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Output Statements


  • Conditional Statements
  • Iterative Statements
  • Transfer Statements
  • Loops with else Block
  • del Statement
  • Difference between del and None


  • What is String?
  • How to define multi-line String Literals?
  • How to Access Characters of a String?
  • Behaviour of Slice Operator
  • Slice Operator Case Study
  • Mathematical Operators for String
  • len() in-built Function
  • Checking Membership
  • Comparison of Strings
  • Removing Spaces from the String
  • Finding Substrings
  • Counting substring in the given String
  • Replacing a String with another String
  • Splitting of Strings
  • Joining of Strings
  • Changing Case of a String
  • Checking Starting and Ending Part of the String
  • To Check Type of Characters Present in a String
  • Formatting the Strings
  • Important Programs regarding String Concept
  • Formatting the Strings


  • Creation of List Objects
  • Accessing Elements of List
  • List vs Mutability
  • Traversing the Elements of List
  • Important Functions of List
  • Using Mathematical Operators for List Objects
  • Comparing List Objects
  • Membership Operators
  • clear() Function
  • Nested Lists
  • Nested List as Matrix
  • List Comprehensions


  • Tuple Creation
  • Accessing Elements of Tuple
  • Tuple vs Immutability
  • Mathematical Operators for Tuple
  • Important Functions of Tuple
  • Tuple Packing and Unpacking
  • Tuple Comprehension
  • Differences between List and Tuple


  • Creation of Set Objects
  • Important Functions of Set
  • Mathematical Operations on the Set
  • Membership Operators: (in, not in)
  • Set Comprehension


  • How to Create Dictionary?
  • How to Access Data from the Dictionary?
  • How to Update Dictionaries?
  • How to Delete Elements from Dictionary?
  • Important Functions of Dictionary
  • Dictionary Comprehension


  • Built in Functions
  • User Defined Functions
  • Parameters
  • Return Statement
  • Returning Multiple Values from a Function
  • Types of Arguments
  • Case Study
  • Types of Variables
  • global Keyword
  • Recursive Functions
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Normal Function
  • Lambda Function
  • filter() Function
  • ap() Function
  • reduce() Function
  • Everything is an Object
  • Function Aliasing
  • Nested Functions


  • Renaming a Module at the time of import (Module Aliasing)
  • from ... import
  • Various Possibilties of import
  • Member Aliasing
  • Reloading a Module
  • Finding Members of Module by using dir() Function
  • The Special Variable __name__
  • Working with math Module
  • Working with random Module



13. OOP’s Part – 1

  • What is Class?
  • How to define a Class?
  • What is Object?
  • What is Reference Variable?
  • Self Variable
  • Constructor Concept
  • Differences between Methods and Constructors
  • Types of Variables
  • Where we can declare Instance Variables
  • How to Access Instance Variables
  • How to delete Instance Variable from the Object
  • Static Variables
  • Instance Variable vs Static Variable
  • Various Places to declare Static Variables
  • How to access Static Variables
  • Where we can modify the Value of Static Variable
  • How to Delete Static Variables of a Class
  • Local Variables
  • Types of Methods
  • Setter and Getter Methods
  • Passing Members of One Class to Another Class
  • Inner Classes
  • Garbage Collection
  • How to enable and disable Garbage Collector in our Program
  • Destructors
  • How to find the Number of References of an Object

14. OOP’s Part – 2

  • Inheritance
  • IS-A vs HAS-A Relationship
  • Composition vs Aggregation
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Method Resolution Order (MRO)
  • Head Element vs Tail Terminology
  • How to find Merge?
  • Finding mro(P) by using C3 Algorithm
  • super() Method
  • How to Call Method of a Particular Super Class?
  • Various Important Points about super()

15. OOP’s Part – 3

  • Polymorphism
  • Duck Typing Philosophy of Python
  • Overloading
  • Overriding

16. OOP’s Part – 4

  • Abstract Method
  • Abstract class
  • Interface
  • Concreate Class vs Abstract Class vs Inteface
  • Public,Private and Protected Members
  • __str__() Method
  • Difference between str() and repr() Functions
  • Small Banking Application

17. Exception Handling

  • Syntax Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • What is Exception
  • Default Exception Handing in Python
  • Python's Exception Hierarchy
  • Customized Exception Handling by using try-except
  • Control Flow in try-except
  • How to Print Exception Information
  • try with Multiple except Blocks
  • Single except Block that can handle Multiple Exceptions
  • Default except Block
  • finally Block
  • Control Flow in try-except-finally
  • Nested try-except-finally Blocks
  • Control Flow in nested try-except-finally
  • else Block with try-except-finally
  • Various possible Combinations of try-except-else-finally
  • Types of Exceptions
  • How to Define and Raise Customized Exceptions

18. File Handling

  • Types of Files
  • Opening a File
  • Closing a File
  • Various Properties of File Object
  • Writing Data to Text Files
  • Reading Character Data from Text Files
  • The with Statement
  • The seek() and tell() Methods
  • How to check a particular File exists OR not
  • Handling Binary Data
  • Handling CSV Files
  • Writing Data to CSV File
  • Reading Data from CSV File
  • Zipping and Unzipping Files
  • To Create Zip File
  • Working with Directories
  • Running Other Programs from Python Program
  • How to get Information about a File
  • Pickling and Unpickling of Objects

19. Multi Threading

  • Multi Tasking
  • The ways of Creating Thread in Python
  • Setting and Getting Name of a Thread
  • Thread Identification Number (ident)
  • enumerate() Function
  • isAlive() Method
  • join() Method
  • Daemon Threads
  • Default Nature
  • Synchronization
  • Synchronization By using Lock Concept
  • Problem with Simple Lock
  • Demo Program for Synchronization by using RLock
  • Difference between Lock and RLock
  • Synchronization by using Semaphore
  • Bounded Semaphore
  • Difference between Lock and Semaphore
  • Inter Thread Communication
  • Inter Thread Communication by using Event Objects
  • Methods of Event Class
  • Inter Thread Communication by using Condition Object
  • Methods of Condition
  • Case Study
  • Inter Tread Communication by using Queue
  • Important Methods of Queue
  • Types of Queues
  • Good Programming Practices with usage of Locks

20. Python Database Programming

  • Storage Areas
  • File Systems
  • Databases
  • Python Database Programming
  • Working with Oracle Database
  • Installing cx_Oracle
  • How to Test Installation
  • Working with MySQL Database
  • Commonly used Commands in MySQL
  • Driver/Connector Information
  • How to Check Installation

21. Regular Expressions & Web Scraping

  • Character Classes
  • Pre defined Character Classes
  • Qunatifiers
  • Important Functions of Remodule
  • Web Scraping by using Regular Expressions

22. Decorator Functions

  • Decorator Chaining

23. Generator Functions

  • Advantages of Generator Functions
  • Generators vs Normal Collections wrt Performance
  • Generators vs Normal Collections wrt Memory Utilization

24. Assertions

  • Debugging Python Program by using assert Keyword
  • Types of assert Statements
  • Exception Handling vs Assertions

25. Python Logging

  • Logging Levels
  • How to implement Logging
  • How to configure Log File in over writing Mode
  • How to Format Log Messages
  • How to add Timestamp in the Log Messages
  • How to Change Date and Time Format
  • How to write Python Program Exceptions to the Log File
  • Problems with Root Logger
  • Need of Our Own Customized Logger
  • Advanced logging Module Features: Logger
  • Logger with Configuration File
  • Creation of Custom Logger
  • How to Create seperate Log File based on Caller
  • Advantages of Customized Logger