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Date: Apr
4th @7:30PM
Faculty: Mr. Nagoor Babu (M. Tech)
(Sun Certified & Real Time Expert)
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038.
Ph.No: +91 - 8852 8852 96/97/63/64
1. Introduction
2. JSP Deployment
3. JSP Life Cycle
4. JSP Elements
1. JSP Directives
2. Scripting Elements
3. JSP Actions
5. JSP Directives
1. Page Directive
2. Include Directive
3. Taglib Directive
6. JSP Scripting Elements
1. Declarations
2. Scriptlets
3. Expressions
7. JSP implicit objects
1. Out
2. Request
3. Response
4. Config
5. Application
6. Session
7. Exception
8. Page
9. Page Context
8. JSP Scopes
1. Page Scope
2. Request Scope
3. Application Scope
4. Session Scope
9. JSP Standard Actions
1. <jsp:useBean>
2. <jsp:setProperty>
3. <jsp:getProperty>
4. <jsp:include>
5. <jsp:forward>
6. <jsp:param>
7. <jsp:plugIn>
8. <jsp:fallback>
9. <jsp:params>
10. <jsp:declaration>
11. <jsp:scriptlet>
12. <jsp:expression>
10. JSP Custom Actions
1. Tag
2. IterationTag
3. BodyTags
4. TagSupport
5. BodyTagSupport
6. SimpleTag
7. SimpleTagSupport
8. Nestedtags
11. JSTL
1. Core Tags
2. XML Tags
3. Internationalization or I18N Tags (Formatted tags)
4. SQL Tags
5. Functions tags
12. Expression Language
1. EL operators
2. EL implicit objects.
3. EL functions.