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Date: July 19th @6:00AM
Faculty: Mr. Vishwa (12+ Yrs Of Exp,..)
Duration: 45 Days
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
- What is SDLC? What is DevOps? Where is DevOps position in SDLC?
- Importance of DevOps in software release.
- Introduction to Physical Servers, Virtualization, Virtual Servers and Cloud.
- Jenkins, Docker & Kubernetes position in SDLC.
- Importance of Jenkins, Docker & Kubernetes in the IT industry.
Jenkins Introduction
- What is CICD?
- Popular tools for CICD in the market.
- Introduction to Jenkins & Installation. Creating and explanation of master slave architecture to execute Jenkins jobs.
- Explanation of technical terms in Jenkins.
Jenkins Deep Dive
- Walking through the Jenkins console.
- Creating a free style project with pipeline syntax.
- Creating a pipeline project.
- Creating a multi branch pipeline project.
Jenkins Integrations
- Jenkins integration with GitHub to fetch the project.
- Jenkins integration with SonarQube to check application vulnerabilities.
- Jenkins integration with Jfrog to store artifacts.
- Jenkins integration with DockerHub to store docker images.
- Jenkins integration with Trivy to scan docker images.
- Jenkins integration with Kubernetes to deploy applications.
- Jenkins integration with Terraform to execute terraform scripts.
Jenkins Configuration
- Configuring credentials in Jenkins to use them in the pipeline.
- Configuring custom environmental variables with Jenkins pipeline.
- Shared libraries and Configuring shared libraries with Jenkins pipeline.
- Configuring Jenkins pipeline with parameters.
- Configuring Jenkins blue ocean.
- Configuring upstream and downstream projects.
- Configuring predefined environmental variables with Jenkins pipeline.
Jenkins troubleshooting and backup
- Troubleshooting issues faced and possible problems in Jenkins.
- Backup and restore required things from Jenkins machine.
- Project on combination of Jenkins, Java, Maven, SonarQube, JFrog, Docker, Trivy and Kubernetes.
Docker Introduction
- Introduction to Docker & Containers.
- Installation of Docker and Docker-Compose.
- Explanation of YAML syntax.
- Explanation of technical terms used in Docker.
(Docker Host, Docker Client, Docker Daemon, Docker Registry, Docker Images)
Docker DeepDive
- Commands used in Docker and their explanation along with flags.
- Working on Docker images
- Practical examples of running applications and use cases.
- Understanding 3-tier architecture.
- Explanation and creating multi container architecture.
(with -- link flag and docker-compose)
- Practical examples and use cases with multi container architecture.
Custom Docker Images
- Understanding and creating custom Docker images.
- Understanding of DOCKERFILE.
- Explanation of various keywords used in DOCKERFILE.
- What is cache busting in Docker?
Docker Volumes & Docker Networking
- Understanding significance of Docker volumes and its types.
(Simple Docker Volumes and Docker Volume Containers)
- Understanding Docker networking and types.
(Bridge network, Host network, Null network, Overlays network)
- Practical examples and use cases with Docker volumes and Docker networking.
Docker Registry
- Understanding Docker registry and types.
(Public registry and Private registry)
- Practical examples and use cases with Docker registry.
Advanced Concepts & Projects
- Multi stage docker builds.
- Practical examples and use cases of multi stage docker builds.
- Projects on Docker and Docker-Compose.
- Debugging/Troubleshooting of issues faced in docker.
- Introduction to container orchestration and advantages.
- Various orchestration technologies available in the market.
- Introduction to Kubernetes.
Kubernetes(K8S) & Installation of tools
- What is K8S? Why K8S?
- Installation of K8S with Minikube to reduce costs.
- Installation of K8S client kubectl.
- Creating Kubernetes cluster with AWS EKS with YAML.
- K8S cluster architecture and its components explanation.
(kube api-server, controller manager, scheduler, ETCD, kubelet, kube-proxy, container runtime engine)
- Explanation of technical terminologies in Kubernetes.
- Exploring the Kubernetes cluster.
- Imperative commands and Kubernetes manifests.
Kubernetes Workloads and Resources
- Containers, InitContainers, Pods, ReplicaSet, Deployments, DaemonSet, Jobs & CronJobs, ReplicationController.
- Explanation of annotations in K8S.
- Explanation of multi container pods.
- Practical examples and use cases of above workloads.
Kubernetes Services and LoadBalancing
- Understanding services and its types.
(ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName)
- Understanding multi-port services.
- Practical examples and use cases of services and its types.
- Understanding DNS for services and pods.
Kubernetes Storage
- Understanding volumes in Kubernetes.
- Persistent volumes and Persistent volume claims.
- Projected volumes, Storage Classes, Dynamic volume provisioning, Volume snapshots.
- Practical examples and use cases of storage.
Configuring Kubernetes Workloads
- Configmaps & Secrets.
- Resource management for pods and containers.
- Understanding different types of deployments and their significance.
- Configuring horizontal pod auto scaler.
- Liveness and Readiness probes.
- Configuring pods with policies(eg: ImagePullPolicy)
- Commands and Arguments.
- Explanation of namespaces.
- ApiGroups and Kubernetes resources under them.
- Practical examples and use cases.
- Introduction to Scheduling in K8S.
- Explanation of how the kubernetes schedules the pods on nodes.
- Manual Scheduling of workloads/pods with node name.
- Scheduling the applications using labels and selectors.
- Scheduling using Taints and Tolerations.
- Scheduling using NodeAffinity.
- Understanding the difference between Taints and Tolerations and NodeAffinity.
- Understanding pod affinity and anti affinity and difference.
- Practical examples and use cases of scheduling.
- Understanding service accounts.
- Roles, RoleBinding, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.
- RBAC(Role Based Access Control).
- Static Pods.
- Explanation of ~/.kube/config file.
- Practical examples and use cases of security.
- Introduction to networking in Kubernetes.
- What is ingress? Why is its significance?
- Available ingress controllers.
- Practical examples of nginx and kong ingress controllers.
- Understanding network policies and use cases.
- Service internal traffic policy.
- Practical examples and use cases of networking
Backup & Restore
- Need of backup kubernetes resources.
- Ways to backup Kubernetes resources.
- Rolling Updates & Roll Backs.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Introduction to Logging and Monitoring.
- Different issues that may occur in the Kubernetes cluster.
- Visiting logs and describing applications to debug applications.
- Understanding the problems and their significance.
- Monitoring cluster with Kubernetes dashboard.
Other Tools
- Introduction to Helm.
- Installing Helm and working with it.
- Commands used to deploy applications with Helm and their explanation.
- Working with Helm and explanation of folder structure.
- K9S tool to manage multiple EKS clusters.
- ArgoCD to automate the deployments to Kubernetes cluster.
- Projects on combination of Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, K9S, ArgoCD.
- Summary about the things we learned.