Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


Hibernate Course Details


Batch Date: Jan 4th & 5th @ 8:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 8:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Ganesh

Duration: 2 Days workshop       

Fee:  1500 INR


  • Key Features of Hibernate

    • Enterprise Application Architecture.

    • ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

    • Hibernate Architecture.

    • Mapping and Configuration files in Hibernate.

    • Installation, Simple Hibernate Application Requirements.

    • Introduction to IDE.
    • Hello World program in Hibernate
    • Hello World program in Hibernate using eclipse
• Simple CRUD operations.

• Important methods of Session Interface.

• <generator> element.

• State of Objects in Hibernate.

• Inheritance mapping
    • Table per class
    • Table per sub class
    • Table per concrete class
• HQL (Hibernate Query Language).

• Criteria Query.

• Native SQL Query.

• Named Query.

• Relationships in Hibernate.
    • One to One
    • One to Many
    • Many to One
    • Many to Many
• Hibernate Caching Mechanism
    • First level cache
    • Second level cache
• Hibernate Annotations.

• Integration of Hibernate with Servlets and Struts.