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Date: Apr 4th @9:00PM
Faculty: Mr. Nagoor Babu (M. Tech)
(Sun Certified & Real Time Expert)
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91 - 8852 8852 96/97/63/64
1. Enterprise
2. Enterprise Application
3. Enterprise Application Layer
1. User Interface Layer
2. Business Processing Layer
3. Data Storage and Access Layer
4. Data Persistency
5. Data Persistency through Serialization and Deserialization
6. Data Persistency through JDBC
7. Data Persistency through ORM
1. Paradigm Mismatches
1. Granualarity Mismatch
2. Sub Types Mismatch
3. Associations Mismatch
4. Identity Mismatch
2. EJBs Vs Hibernate
3. JPA Vs Hibernate
8. Hibernate History
9. Hibernate Features
10. Hibernate Arch.
2. Steps to Prepare Hibernate Application
1. Persistence Class / POJO class
2. Mapping File
3. Hibernate Configuration File
4. Client Application
3. Hibernate Applications
1. Hibernate Application with Main Class as Client.
2. Hibernate Application with GUI Application as Client.
3. Hibernate Application with Servlet as Client.
4. Hibernate Application with JSP Page as Client.
5. Hibernate Application with Struts Application as Client.
6. Hibernate Application with MYSQL DB
7. Hibernate Application with Multiple DBs [Oracle DB and MySQL DB]
8. Hibernate Basic Annotations [Without Mapping File]
9. Hibernate Application without Configuration File
10. Hibernate Application with Composite Keys.
4. Hibernate Persistence Object Lifecycle
1. Transient State
2. Persistent State
3. Detached State
4. Removed State
5. Hibernate Tools
1. Schema Export
2. Schema Update
3. Code Generation
6. Primary Key Generation Algorithms [XMl and Annotations]
1. Assign
2. Increment
3. Sequence
4. Identity
5. Hilo
6. Seq-Hilo
7. Native
9. Foreign
10. GUID
11. Select
7. Transaction Management
1. ACID Properties
1. Automicity
2. Consistnacy
3. Isolation
4. Durability
2. Transaction Management in JDBC
1. Automicity Achievement in JDBC
2. Isolation Problems
3. Transaction Management in Hibernate
8. Hibernate Query Language [HQL]
1. HQL Elements
1. Clauses
1. 'From' Clause
2. 'Select' Clause
3. 'Where' Clause
4. 'Order by' Clause
5. 'Group by' Clause
6. 'Having' Clause
2. Aggregate Functions
1. count(-)
2. sum(-)
3. min(-)
4. max(-)
5. avg(-)
3. Generic Expressions
1. Arithmetic Operators in Generic Expressions
2. Comparision Operations in Generic Expressions
3. Scalar Functions in Generic Expressions
1. In
2. Between
3. Like
4. is null
5. is not null
4. Associations and Joins
5. Parameters
1. Positional parameters
2. Names Parameters
6. Subqueries
1. Pagination
2. HQL with Updations
9. Native SQL
1. Scalar SQL Queries
2. Stored Procedures and Functions
10. Criteria API
11. Hibernate Filters
12. Hibernate Mappings
1. Basic 'OR' Mapping
2. Component Mapping
3. Inheritance Mapping
1. Table per Class Hierarcy
2. Table per Sub-Class
3. Table per Concreate Class
4. Associations Mapping
1. One-To-One Association
2. One-To-Many Association
3. Many-To-One Association
4. Many-To-Many Association
13. Connection Pooling
1. Inbuilt Connection Pooling Support in Hibernate.
2. Third Party Connection Pooling Mechanisms C3P0, Proxool, DBCP.....
3. Connection Pooling through Weblogic Server JNDI.
14. Cache Mechanisms
1. I level Cache
2. II Level Cache