Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


.NET CORE Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: June 7th @6:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Ahmed Shareef (18+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)

Duration: 4 Months

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96




Module 1: Introduction to ASP.NET Core

  • Introduction
  • What is ASP.NET Core?
  • ASP.NET Core Features
  • Advantages of ASP.NET Core
  • MVC Pattern
  • Understanding ASP.NET Core MVC
  • ASP.NET Core Vs ASP.NET MVC Vs ASP.NET Web Forms

Module 2: ASP.NET Core First Application

  • ASP.NET Core Environment Setup
  • ASP.NET Core First Application
    • Creating solution and project
    • Creating solution with multiple projects
  • Project Layout
  • Understanding Life Cycle of ASP.NET Core Request

Module 3: Controllers and Action Methods

  • Controllers Overview
  • Action Methods and IActionResult object
  • Passing data from Controller to View
  • Understanding Action Selectors
  • Action Filters
  • Building Custom Action Filters
  • Middleware
  • Asynchronous Action Methods

Module 4: Views

  • Introducing Razor View
  • Advantages of Razor View
  • Razor Syntax
  • Types of Views
  • Partial Views
  • Layout Pages
  • Special Views
  • View categorization based on Model

Module 5: Helpers

  • Html Helpers
  • Built-in Html Helpers
  • URL Helpers
  • Tag Helpers
  • Custom Tag Helpers

Module 6: Model Binding

  • Html Form behavior
  • Model Binder Overview
  • DefaultModelBinder
  • Binding to Complex Classes
  • IFormCollection Model Binding
  • IFormFile Model Binder
  • Bind Attribute
  • TryUpdateModelAsync

Module 7: Validations and Data Annotations

  • Data Annotations and Validations Overview
  • Validations with Data Annotation
  • Server Side and Client Side Validation
  • Custom Server Side Validation
  • Model level validation using IValidatableObject
  • Custom unobtrusive Client Side Validation
  • Remote Validation

Module 8: State management techniques

  • Cookies
  • Sessions

Module 9: Security

  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing Security using ASP.NET Core Identity

Module 10: MVC and Entity Framework Coren

  • Basic CRUD operations using Entity Framework
  • Separation of work using BO classes
  • Writing generic class / Repository
  • Caching in Repository

Module 11: ASP.NET Core – Web Caching

  • Cache Tag Helpers
  • Memory Caching Introduction
  • In-Memory Caching
  • Response Cache
  • Distributed Cache

Module 12: Routing

  • Url Routing Overview
  • Custom Routers
  • Attribute Routing
  • Routing Constraints

Module 13: Module Development

  • Understanding Areas
  • Adding Areas
  • Defining Area Routers
  • Linking between Areas

Module 14: Web API and JQuery Ajax

  • Introduction to Web API
  • AJAX implementation using JQuery
  • Calling the Web API with JQuery Ajax
  • Creating a Web API that supports CRUD operations using EF

Module 15: Bundling and Minification

  • What is bundling and Minification in ASP.NET Core
  • Bundler and Minifier Extension
  • How to Bundle your files
  • How to minify your bundles
  • Convert to Gulp



  • Overview
  • Features Of C#.Net
  • Versions of C#.Net
  • .NET Framework Architecture

Introduction To Visual Studio

  • Versions, Editions, System Requirements
  • Installation
  • Project, Solution, Types of Applications
  • Compiling and Running Application

C#.NET Basic Programming

  • C#.NET Program Syntax With Ways Of Writing Main() Method
  • System.Console class
  • Data Types, Operators, Constants, enum
  • Casting, Parsing, Conversion Methods, Boxing & Unboxing
  • Working with DateTime
  • Different Ways of Input Statements
  • Arrays, System.Array Class, Reference , Shallow, Deep Copy


  • Introduction To Programming Techniques, Drawbacks of Procedural programming, Importance, Features, Components of OOPs (class and object)
  • Working With Modifiers, Call by value(Optional, named Parameters), Call by Reference (ref, out)
  • Introduction To Inheritance, Shadowing, Casting, Virtual Methods & Method Overriding
  • Static And dynamic binding, Sealed method And Sealed Class
  • Abstract classes and Methods,
  • Properties – set And get Blocks, Automatic, Readonly
  • Interfaces – Implicit And Explicit implementation
  • Exception Handling – try, catch, finally, throw – Built-in & Customized Exceptions
  • Collections, Custom Generic methods, Classes , Built-in generic Classes, Reflection
  • Operator Overloading, Type Inference, Partial Classes And Partial Methods
  • Delegates, Anonymous Methods, Lambda Expressions, Events
  • Overview of Garbage Collection – System.GC, IDisposable, Destructors, Finalizer/Dispose
  • Structures Vs Classes, String Vs StringBuilder
  • Type Inference, Object Initializers, Anonymous Types, Extension methods

Window Based Programming / GUI Programming

  • Introduction to Windows Forms Application, IDE Of Forms, Understanding Form Class Definitions
  • Working with Multiple Forms
  • Working With Windows Forms Controls, Graphics
  • Creating Dialogs , Modal Dialogs – Customized, built-in, Modeless dialogs
  • MDI Application
  • User Controls, Runtime Controls
  • Deployment Of Windows Forms Application, Creating setup project, installing and uninstalling Windows application

Assemblies And Namespaces

  • Difference between DLL and EXE, Types Of DLLs
  • Structure Of Assembly, Single File And Multi File Assembly, .Net Module
  • Types of Assemblies, Namespaces, Accessing Modifiers In and Out of Assembly


  • Introduction To streams, Types of Streams – Text Streams, Binary Streams
  • FileStream, MemoryStream Classes ; File, FileInfo, DirectoryInfo Classes;StreamReader, StreamWriter Classes
  • Serialization, Deserialization

Multi Threading

  • Introduction , Types Of Scheduling, Thread States
  • Performing Async operations using Multi Threading
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Task Parallel Library – multi Threading (vs) Task Parallel Library
  • Performing ASync operations using TPL

Windows Services

ADO.NET – Managed Provider

  • Introduction To Database, RDBMS, SQL
  • Evolution Of ADO.NET, Architecture of ADO.NET
  • Server Explorer, Connection String – App.Config, .UDL File
  • Connection, Command, Parameter, DataReader as Connection Oriented Model
  • Introduction To Stored Procedures, Advantages, Executing Stored Procedures Thru C# Application
  • Transactions – Single Database, Multiple Databases
  • Overview of Typed Databases – Working with Oracle, Excel, Access
  • What Is MARS?

ADO.NET – Disconnected Model

  • Dataset, DataTable, DataColumn, DataRow, DataAdapter
  • DataAdapter Commands, SqlCommandBuilder
  • Handling Concurrency While Updating Data in DB, DataViews
  • Purpose Of Creating Foreign key Constraint, DataRelation


  • LINQ To SQL (vs) Entity Framework, DbContent, DbSet
  • EDM In – XML Representation Includes Designer Content And Runtime Content (SSDL, CSDL, C-S Mapping)
  • Insert, Update, Delete Operations Using EF, DataGridView
  • Calling Stored Procedures Using EF
  • Immediate Mode And Differed Mode Execution
  • Transactions In EF – Single DB, Multiple DBs
  • Navigation Types : Accessing Data – With And Without Navigation

.NET Code Debugging

  • Breakpoints, Immediate Window, F5, F10, F11


  • Introduction To XML
  • Rules Of XML Document
  • Structure Of XML Document
  • XML DOM Parser
  • XML DataDocument
  • Reading XML using Dataset
  • XMLTextWriter And XMLTextReader


  • Introduction to WPF,
  • Different Views In WPF Environment
  • Architecture Of WPF
  • Differences Between HTML, XML, XAML
  • Syntax Of XAML, WPF Controls, Multiple WPF Windows
  • Brushes, Styles
  • Animations And Transformations
  • Working With Dataset In DataGrid



  • Database
  • DBMS
  • Oracle and SQL Server

SQL Server Environment

  • Introduction to SQL Server
  • Types of Servers
  • DB Life Cycle
  • Editions, Features, Hierarchy of SQL Server
  • SQL Server Management Studio Enhancements

SQL Server Database

  • Types of database
  • Working with user defined databases

SQL Language

  • DDL
  • TCL
  • DDL
  • DCL

Joins and Sub Queries

  • SQL Operators
  • Simple Queries
  • Built in Functions
  • Joins
  • Sub-Queries
  • Advanced Queries

Data Integrity

  • Domain Integrity
  • Entity Integrity
  • Referential Integrity


  • Create View
  • Advantage of Views
  • Updatable Views
  • Non Updatable Views
  • Indexed View

Synonyms, Sequences

Introduction to T-SQL

  • Anonymous Block
  • Stored Block

Introduction to Anonymous block

  • Basic Programming
  • Exception Handling
  • Cursors

Stored block Stored Procedures

  • System Stored Procedure
  • User Defined Stored Procedures
  • Advantages of Procedures
  • Passing In/Out Parameters
  • Altering Procedure
  • Extended Stored Procedures

User Defined Functions

  • Scalar UDF
  • Inline UDF
  • Multi Statement Table UDF
  • Table Variables, Temporary Tables


  • DML Triggers (After | Instead of )
  • DDL Triggers
  • Magic Tables
  • Advantages of Triggers

Transactions and Locks

  • Implicit Transactions
  • Explicit Transactions
  • TCL Commands
  • Lock Types
  • Isolation Levels
  • Dead Locks
  • MS-DTC


  • Clustered Index
  • Non Clustered Index
  • Creating Index
  • Advantages of Indexes