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.NET Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: June 24th @9:00AM

Faculty: Real Time Expert

Duration: 2 Months

Location: Maitrivanam, Hyderabad

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 8852 8852 96/97/63/64




Introduction To Web Applications

• Types of Applications - Desktop, Web, Mobile and Service Oriented
• Javascript
• Webserver and its Purpose
• IIS Webserver and Configuring
• Virtual Directory and Physical Directory
• Webpage,Website,Webbrowser
• Static and Dynamic Webpages

Introduction To ASP.NET

• What is ASP.Net and How To Create ASP.NET Web Pages
• ASP.Net Execution Process
• Coding Techniques in ASP.NET
• Redirection Methods in ASP.NET
• Request and Response Objects
• ASP.Net page postback
• Client and Server Side Controls
• Standard Web Server Controls

  • Textbox, Buttons, Labels, Listbox, Dropdownlist, Checkbox, Radiobutton,
    Checkboxlist, Radiobuttonlist, Image, Linkbutton, Imagebutton, Hyperlink,
    Multiview, Calendar, Fileupload


• Types of Validations - Client Side and Server Side
• Validation Controls

  • Required Field Validator, Regular Expression Validator, RangeValidator, Custom Validator, Validation Summary,Validation Groups.


• Introduction to ADO.NET
• ADO.NET Data Providers

  • SqlClient
  • OracleClient
  • ODBC

• ADO.NET Architecture

  • Connected Architecture
  • Disconnected Architecture

• Creating Connection to Various Datasources
• Calling Stored Procedures using ADO.Net
• Web.config File and its use
• Data Bound Controls of ASP.Net

  • Gridview
  • DataList
  • Repeater
  • Listview
  • Detailsview
  • Formview

• ASP.NET Page Life Cycle
• Configuration Settings

  • Web.Config
  • Machine.Config

• State Management
• What is state management?
• Client side state management techniques

  • Cookies
  • Query String
  • ViewState

• Server side state management techniques

  • Session state
  • Configuring session in web.config file
  • In process and out process sessions
  • State server Mode
  • SQL Server Mode

• Application state management

  • Handling Session and Application events

• Caching

  • Data Cache
  • Page output Cache
  • Partial page Cache

• Security in ASP.NET
• What is Authentication and Authorization
• Types of Authentication

  • Windows
  • Passport
  • Forms

• Implementing Forms Authentication
• Configuring Forms Authentication in web.config file

  • Forms Authentication class and its members
  • Impersonation

• Implementing Security with Login controls
• Web Parts in ASP.NE
• Master Pages
• Introduction
• Creating Master Pages and Content pages
• Accessing Master page content from content page
• Dynamic Master pages
• Themes
• How to create themes and Apply Them
• Dynamic Themes
• Global Themes
• What is Ajax and Advantages Ajax
• Ajax Components
• Ajax Extensions
• AJAX Control Toolkit
• How to Install Ajax control toolkit
• Basic AJAX Extender Controls.
• Three Tier Architecture Implementation


Introduction to .NET

• What is .NET?
• .NET platform independent or not
• .NET Framework
• CLR (Common Language Runtime)

  • CLS (Common Language Specification)
  • CTS (Common Type System)
  • GC (Garbage Collector)
  • JIT (Just In Time)

• BCL (Base Class Libraries) or
• FCL (Framework Class Libraries)

Introduction to C#.NET

• Features of C#.NET
• Data Types in C#.NET
• Value Types and Reference Types
• Boxing and Unboxing
• Console Applications
• Console Class Methods
• Conditional and Looping control statements
• Arrays

  • Single Dimensional Array
  • Two Dimensional Array
  • Jagged Array
  • Array Class Methods
  • Array Properties

• Functions
• Pointers
• Structures
• Enumerations

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

OOP Features

  • Class and Object
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance

• Access Modifiers

  • Private
  • Protected
  • Internal
  • Protected Internal
  • Public

• Creating Classes
• Creating Fields, Properties and methods in class
• Constructors
• Types of Constructors

  • Instance and Non Instance

• Destructors
• Method Overloading
• Method Overriding
• Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes
• Polymorphism

  • Compile Time Polymorphism
  • Run Time Polymorphism

• Abstraction

  • Properties
  • Types of Properties
  • Readonly Property
  • Writeonly Property
  • Readwrite Property
  • Accessors(set and get)

• Sealed Classes
• Partial Classes
• Keywords new, this, base
• Interfaces
• Delegates
• Types of Delegates

  • Single Cast delegate
  • Multi Cast delegate

• Generics

  • Generic Methods
  • Generic Classes
  • Constraints on Generics

• Exception Handling

  • Types of Errors
  • Syntactical Errors
  • Compilation Errors
  • Runtime Errors

• Exception Handling Mechanism

  • Logical Implementation
  • Try Catch Implementation

Class Libraries and Assemblies

• Creating User defined Class Library
• Assemblies

  • Types of Assemblies
  • Private
  • Public or Global or Shared Assembly
  • GAC (Global Assembly Cache)

Windows Forms

• Introduction
• Forms and Controls
• Properties and Methods
• Basic Controls:

  • Textbox, Button, Label, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Listbox, Combobox, Timer, Richtextbox

• Dialog Controls:

  • Open File Dialog, Save File Dialog, Font Dialog, Color Dialog

• Menus and Toolbars: Menu strip, Context Menu strip
• Container Controls: Group box, Panel, Tab Container
• SDI (Single Document Interface) Forms
• MDI (Multiple Document Interface) Form
• User Controls
• Windows Forms Control Library


• Introduction
• ADO.NET Data Providers

  • SqlClient
  • OracleClient
  • ODBC

• ADO.NET Architecture

  • Connected Architecture
  • Disconnected Architecture

• Stored Procedures
• Types of Stored Procedures
• Calling Stored Procedures using ADO.NET
• Objects in ADO.NET

  • Connection
  • Command
  • Parameter
  • DataReader
  • DataAdapter
  • Dataset

• Implementing 3-Tier Architecture

Crystal Reports

• What is Report?
• Creation of Simple Report
• Steps to Create Reports
• Creating Reports with chart


Introduction To SQL Server

• Understanding Data & Information
• Database
• DB Design
• Types of Databases
• Client Server Architecture
• SQL Server versions
• SQL Server Management Studio
• Creating DB
• Sub Languages of TSQL

  • DDL
  • DML
  • TCL
  • DCL
  • DQL

• Creating Tables
• Insert,Delete,Update Data into Tables
• Normalization
• Constraints

• Unique
• Not Null
• Primary key
• Check
• Default
• Foreign Key
• Working With Single Table Queries
• Writing Queries using SELECT Statement
• Understanding Query Flow
• Operators in SQL Server
• Clauses in SQL Server
• Filtering Data Using WHERE Clause
• Sorting Data using ORDER BY Clause
• Avoid Duplicates using DISTINCT Clause
• Using Top Clause

• DML Commands
• Copying Data From one Table to Another
• Insert Command
• Update Command
• Delete Command
• DDL Commands
• Create command
• Alter Command
• Drop Command
• Truncate Command
• Delete vs Truncate
• Built in Functions
• Scalar Functions

  • String
  • Date
  • Mathematical
  • Conversion
  • Coalesce
  • Rank and Dense Rank
  • DateFromParts
  • IIF
  • Row Number
  • Running Total

• Group Functions
• Aggregate Functions

  • Cunt(*)
  • MAX()
  • MIN()
  • AVG()
  • SUM()

• Deterministic Functions
• Non-Deterministic Functions
• SET Operators
• Sub Queries
• Importance of Sub Query
• Types of Sub Queries
• Nested Queries

• Importance of Joins
• Types of Joins

  • Inner Join or Equi Join
  • Outer Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join
  • Self Join
  • Cross Join
  • Advanced Joins

• Database Transactions
• Transactions Using Commit & Rollback
• ACID Properties
• Working with Locks
• Viewing Dead Locks
• Database Security
• Understanding Privileges
• Types of Privileges
• Granting & Revoking Privileges
• Temporary Tables
• Local Temp Tables
• Global Temp Tables
• Views
• Importance of Views
• Types of views
• Indexes
• Clustered & Non Clustered
• Stored Procedures
• Triggers
• Cursors
• Schemas
• Backup & Restore
• SQL Server Agent
• Advanced Topics in SQL Server