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DJANGO + REST API + FLASK Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: July 11th @9:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Mohan Reddy

Duration : 3 Months

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96



Name: Mr. Mohan Reddy (10+ Yrs of Exp,..)


  • Introduction
  • History of Django
  • Features of Django
  • Introduction to web application
    • Webpage
    • Website
    • Web browser
    • Web server
  • Front End
  • Back End
  • Installing python and Django
  • PyCharm editor setup
  • Creating a virtual environment
  • Creating a Django project and application
  • Django file configuration
  • UI Technologies Introduction
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Java Script
    • JQuery
    • Bootstrap
  • Http Request Flow in Django
  • MVT Architecture
  • URL configuration
  • DTL(Django Template Language)
  • GET and POST methods
  • Template Rendering
  • CSRF(Cross site request  forgery)
  • Django static files
  • Filters in DTL
  • Template Inheritance
  • Date Time Filters
  • Template Inheritance using static files
  • DTL control flow statements
  • MVT Design Pattern and its usage
  • Django Views
  • Django Templates
  • ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
  • Models in Django
  • Model Migrations
  • DB Browser for SQLite
  • Django Admin panel
  • Model Admin
  • Model Registration
  • Django Forms
  • Django Forms vs HTML Forms
  • Form Rendering options
  • Form Order fields
  • Form fields arguments
  • Django Form Validations
    • Built-in Validations
    • Custom Validations
  • SQLite3 configuration
  • Model Forms
  • Dynamic URL’s
  • Django Messages
  • State Management Techniques
    • Cookies
    • Sessions
    • Cache
  • Django Security
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
  • Types of views
    • Function Based Views
    • Class Based Views
  • Class Based Views
    • Base views
    • Generic Views
  • Base Views
    • Simple View
    • Template View
    • Redirect View
  • Generic Views
    • Display Views
      • List view
      • Detail view
  • Editing Views
    • Form view
    • Create view
    • Update view
    • Delete View
  • Authentication views
  • Pagination using function-based views
  • Pagination using class-based views
  • Django Middleware’s
    • Built-in middleware’s
    • Custom middleware’s
  • Signals in Django
    • Login and Logout signal
    • Model signals
    • Request/Response signals
  • Model Inheritance
    • Abstract base class model inheritance
    • Multi-table Inheritance
    • Proxy model inheritance
  • Model Relationship
    • One to One Relationship
    • Many to One Relationship
    • Many to Many Relationship
  • Query set API
  • Query set API fields
  • Query set API aggregate functions
  • Introduction to MY-SQL
  • Installation of MY-SQL
  • CRUD Operations using MY-SQL
  • Image uploading

(DJANGO Rest Framework)

  • Introduction to DRF (Django Rest Framework)
  • Advantages of DRF
  • Types of API’s
  • About the REST API
  • REST API Architecture
  • JSON and XML
  • HTTP Methods
  • Installing DRF
  • API Creation
  • Serializers
  • JSON Renderers
  • De-serialization
  • JSON Parser
  • JSON Methods
    • Dumps
    • Loads
  • CRUD API with Function based view
  • CRUD API with Class based view
  • API Testing using python file
  • DRF Validations
    • Field level validations
    • Object level validations
    • Validators
  • DRF Model Serializer
  • DRF api_view
  • API Request and Response
  • API Headers
  • Browser API Testing
  • Generic API views and Mixins
    • CreateModelMixin       
    • ListModelMixin          
    • RetrieveModelMixin    
    • UpdateModelMixin    
    • DestroyModelMixin  
  • Concrete View Classes
    • ListAPIView
    • CreateAPIView
    • RetrieveAPIView
    • UpdateAPIView
    • DestroyAPIView
    • ListCreateAPIView
    • RetrieveUpdateAPIView
    • RetrieveDestroyAPIView
    • RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
  • Working with View-set
  • Working with Model View-set
  • Read Only Model View-set
  • Authentication and Permissions
  • Types of Authentications
    • Basic Authentication
    • Session Authentication
    • Token Authentication
    • Session Authentication
  • Permission Classes
    • AllowAny
    • IsAuthenticated
    • IsAdminUser
    • IsAuthenticatedorReadOnly
    • DjangoModelPermissions
    • DjangoModelPermissionsorAnonReadOnly
    • DjangoObjectPermissions
  • Filtering in DRF
    • Generic Filtering
    • Django-Filter-Backend
    • Search-Filters
    • Ordering-Filters
  • Pagination in DRF
  • Types of Pagination
    • PageNumberPagination
    • LimitOffsetPagination
    • CursorPagination
  • Hyperlink Model Serializer
  • Throttling in DRF
    • AnonRate
    • UserRate
    • ScopedRate


  • Introduction to Flask
  • Features of Flask
  • Django vs Flask
  • Flask Installation
  • Routing in Flask
  • URL configuration
  • Add_url_rule
  • Flask URL building
  • Dynamic URL building
  • HTTP Methods
    • GET
    • POST
    • PUT
    • DELETE
  • Flask Templates
  • Rendering External HTML files
  • Jinja-2 Template Language
  • Jinja-2 control flow statements
  • Static Files in Flask
  • Request and Response
  • Cookies
  • Session
  • File uploading
  • Flashing in Flask
  • CRUD Operations using SQLite
  • Flask SQL-Alchemy
  • Flask WTF