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DEVOPS with GCP Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: May 18th & 19th @3:30PM

Faculty: Mr. Shaik Saidhul
(7+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)

(Google Certified Professional Data Engineer)

Duration: 12 Weekends Batch

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96


A Complete Real Time DevOps Course with Projects

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
    • What is cloud computing and its benefits?
    • Why we need Cloud.
    • Traditional vs Cloud working model.
  • Understanding the core principles of DevOps
    • What is DevOps?
    • Benefits of adopting DevOps practices in the cloud
    • Role of a DevOps Engineer
  • Introduction to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and its key services
    • Understanding the fundamentals of Google Cloud Platform
    • Key GCP Services and Products
    • Why learn GCP.
    • GCP Roles Offered, Job opportunities.
    • GCP Certification offered.

Module 2: GCP Basics

GCP Interfaces

  • Console
    • Navigating the GCP Console
    • Configuring the GCP Console for Efficiency
    • Using the GCP Console for Service Management
  • Shell
    • Introduction to GCP Shell
    • Command-line Interface (CLI) Basics
    • GCP Shell Commands for Service Deployment and Management
  • SDK
    • Overview of GCP Software Development Kits (SDKs)
    • Installing and Configuring SDKs
    • Writing and Executing GCP SDK Commands

GCP Locations

  • Regions
    • Understanding GCP Regions
    • Selecting Regions for Service Deployment
    • Impact of Region on Service Performance
  • Zones
    • Exploring GCP Zones
    • Distributing Resources Across Zones
    • High Availability and Disaster Recovery Considerations
  • Importance
    • Significance of Choosing the Right Location
    • Global vs. Regional Resources
    • Factors Influencing Location Decisions

GCP IAM & Admin

  • Identities
    • Introduction to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • Users, Groups, and Service Accounts
    • Best Practices for Identity Management
  • Roles
    • GCP IAM Roles Overview
    • Defining Custom Roles
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Implementation
  • Policy
    • Resource-based Policies
    • Understanding and Implementing Organization Policies
    • Auditing and Monitoring Policies
  • Resource Hierarchy
    • GCP Resource Hierarchy Structure
    • Managing Resources in a Hierarchy
    • Organizational Structure Best Practices

GCP Networking

  • VPC
    • Introduction to VPC and Subnet
    • Types of VPC
    • Create VPC
  • Firewall
    • Firewall rule introduction.
    • How to create firewall rules
  • Load Balancer
    • Load Balancer Introduction
    • Create External load balancer.

Module 3: Linux Basics

  • Linux Introduction
  • Navigating the file system using commands like cd, ls, pwd
  • Working with files and directories (creating, copying, moving, deleting)
  • Understanding file permissions and using chmod and chown commands
  • Managing processes with commands like ps, top, kill

Module 4: Git and GitHub

  • Understanding the importance of version control
  • Exploring the fundamentals of Git version control system, including repositories, commits, branches, and merges.
  • Installing and configuring Git
  • Introduction to GitHub, a web-based Git repository hosting service, and its features
  • Creating and managing repositories on GitHub, including creating branches, making commits, and merging changes.
  • GIT commands

Module 5: Cloud Storage buckets

  • Introduction to Cloud Storage
  • Deep dive into Google Cloud Storage as a cloud storage solution
  • Overview of storage classes (Standard, Nearline, Coldline, Archive) and their use cases.
  • Setting up access controls and permissions for objects and buckets.
  • Utilizing Object Lifecycle Management for automated data archiving and deletion.

Module 6: Docker and Docker Hub

  • Introduction to containerization and Docker fundamentals
  • Building Docker images and containers
  • Running and managing Docker containers on Google Cloud
  • Creating Docker Hub account and managing repositories
  • Docker Commands

Module 7: Google Compute Engine

  • Deep dive into Google Compute Engine (GCE)
  • Creating and managing virtual machine instances
  • Customizing machine types and network configurations
  • Implementing auto-scaling and load balancing techniques

Module 8: Google Kubernetes Engine

  • Introduction to Kubernetes and its core concepts
  • Deploying and managing containerized applications using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Scaling and autoscaling workloads with Kubernetes
  • Monitoring and logging for Kubernetes applications

Module 9: Google App Engine

  • Overview of Google App Engine and its features
  • Deploying and managing applications using App Engine standard and flexible environments
  • Configuring auto-scaling and load balancing for web applications
  • Monitoring and optimizing App Engine applications

Module 10: Google Cloud Run

  • Developing serverless applications with Cloud Run
  • Deploying and managing serverless containers
  • Scaling applications effortlessly with Cloud Run autoscaling capabilities.

Module 11: Google Cloud Functions

  • Building event-driven solutions with Cloud Functions
  • Integrating serverless functions with other Google Cloud services
  • Creating Cloud Functions and configuring

Module 12: CICD with Google Cloud

  • Understanding Google Cloud Build and CICD
  • Managing repo with Cloud Source repositories
  • Working with Artifact Registry

Module 13: Logging and Monitoring

  • Understanding the importance of logging and monitoring in cloud environments
  • Leveraging Stackdriver for centralized logging and monitoring across GCP services
  • Setting up custom metrics and alerts to proactively monitor system health and performance.
  • Analyzing logs and metrics to troubleshoot issues, optimize resource utilization, and enhance application reliability.

Module 14: Terraform

  • Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Leveraging Terraform for provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources.
  • Building reusable and modular infrastructure code with Terraform
  • Versioning and collaboration using Terraform Cloud
  • Introduction to Jenkins and deploy Jenkins in Google cloud

Module 15: Jenkins

  • Introduction to Jenkins and its role in continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)
  • Setting up Jenkins pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Integrating Jenkins with version control systems such as Git for seamless code integration
  • Implementing advanced Jenkins features like pipeline as code, agent management, and distributed builds

Module 16: Ansible

  • Understanding the basics of Ansible, including its architecture, components, and use cases.
  • Installing Ansible and configuring the Ansible control node.
  • Ansible Playbooks Writing and executing Ansible playbooks to automate tasks, manage configurations, and deploy applications.
  • Ansible Modules and Ansible Galaxy for reusing Ansible roles and collections.
  • Organizing Ansible playbooks using roles and managing variables for flexible and reusable automation.

Real-Time Projects with Hands-On:

  • Automated Web Application Deployment: setup a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build, test and deploy a web application whenever changes are pushed to the Git repository.
    • GAE
    • GKE
    • Cloud Run
    • Cloud Functions
  • Implementing an End-to-End CI/CD Pipeline on GCP for Cafe Web App Deployment
    • GCE for virtual machines,
    • GKE for Kubernetes orchestration,
    • Jenkins for continuous integration,
    • GitHub for version control,
    • Terraform for infrastructure provisioning,
    • Ansible for configuration management, and
    • Docker for containerization.
  • Implementing an End-to-End CI/CD Pipeline on Google Cloud for Swiggy Web App
    • Utilize Google Cloud services such as Google Compute Engine (GCE) and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
    • Employ Jenkins for automation, GitHub for version control, and terraform for infrastructure as code.
    • Implement containerization with Docker and vulnerability scanning with Trivy.
    • Integrate SonarQube for code quality analysis

This comprehensive course will provide a deep understanding of DevOps practices in the context of Google Cloud. It includes hands-on labs, real-world examples, and practical exercises to help students gain the necessary skills and confidence to deploy and manage applications efficiently on Google Cloud.