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DEVOPS with AWS Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testin5g Tools etc..

Batch Date: Oct 28th @8:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Maha
(15+ Yrs of Exp,..)

Duration: 4 Months

Location: Maitrivanam, Hyderabad

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96



Model 1: Continues Integration and Continues Delivery

• Git
• Jenkins
• Maven
• Jfrog
• SonarQube

Model 2: Configuration management

• Vagrant
• Chef

Model 3: Configuration Management

• Ansible

Model 4: Containerization

• Docker
• Kubernetes

Model 5: Infrastructure Automation

• Terraform

Model 6: Monitoring

• Elastic search
• Kibana
• Log stash
• Nagios

Why DevOps:

• Business Perspective
• IT Perspective
• Developer Perspective
• Tester Perspective
• Operations Perspective

What is SDLC:

• Phases of SDLC
• Role of Dev in SDLC
• Role of Ops in SDLC

Introduction to DevOps Automation:

• Introduction
• Tools
• DevOps Technology Categories
• Collaboration
• Planning
• Issue Tracking
• Configuration Management
• Source Control
• Dev Environments
• Continuous Integration
• Continuous Testing
• Continuous Deployment
• Monitoring

Linux Essentials:

• History
• Types of OS
• Flavours
• OS Structure
• File system
• All Linux basic commands
• File & directorys persmisions
• User & groups administration
• Accessing Servers with ssh
• How multi user works in Linux
• How make normal user as sudo user.

Shell Script:

• Introduction
• Type of shells
• Variables
• Types of variables
• Operators
• Input arguments
• String comparison
• Athematic comparison
• File conditions
• If, loops, case, functions
• Examples


• Introduction
• What is Virtualization
• Server Virtualization
• Desktop Virtualization
• Application Virtualization

Apache Webserver:

• Installations
• Configuration

Tomcat Application Server:

• Installation, configuration
• Tomcat Manager
• Application Management
• Application Deployment

DevOps Tools

Model 1: Continues Integration and Continues Delivery

Source Code Management:

What is Version Control System?


• Source Code Management
• SCM Tools
• What is Git
• Installation
• Work space/ work dir/ work tree
• Configuration
• Commit/check-in
• Version/version-ID/commit-ID,
• Work space, staging area, buffer area
• Local Repo/remote repo
• Customer Branching
• Release Branching
• Merge, stash, fast-forwarding, rebase
• Chery-pick, cat-file and hocks
• Repositories and Tracking
Git Commands: add, commit, log, push, status, ignore, branch, checkout merge, confict, stash, reset, revert
• Git GUI

Automate Build Process:


• Introduction, Maven Structure
• Maven Dependenciess
• Maven Repositories
• Maven Plugins and goals
• Integrated Maven Build
• Maven project


What is Jenkins?

Installation and configuration

• Prerequisitesd
• Download and installation
• Configuration.

Managing Jenkins

• Securing Jenkins, Managing Credentials, Plugin Management
• Jenkins Backup, Create a Build Slave

Creating Application Builds

• Manual compilation with Maven
• Manually Testing, Packaging and Running the App
• Creating a Jenkins Job and configuring a Git Repo
• Compiling in Jenkins
• App Packaging in Jenkins
• Archiving artifacts
• Cleaning up Past Builds
• Build time trend
• The jenkins Dashboard
• Troubleshooting build failures
• Build linking upstream and downstream


• Introduction
• Plugin Architecture
• Extension Points
• Getting Plugins
• Useful Plugins Overview
• Build Tool Plugins
• Installing a plugin
• Plugin configuration
• Security Overview

Continuous Testing and Continuous Integration and Testing

• Adding steps to Freestyle Project
• Creating a Pipeline job to execute Maven
• Archiving in a Pipeline
• Checking out git repository in pipeline
• The Master Agent Model
• Allocating a node and workspace in Pipeline
• Triggering Automated Builds
• Configuring an Email Server
• Notifications when a build fails
• Executing unit tests

Finding and Managing Plugins

• The need for plugins
• Integrated Code Coverage
• Assessing a plugin
• Testing Plugins and Plugin Types

Building Continuous Delivery Pipeline

• Continuous Delivery
• Backup and Restore
• A Second Node Allocation
• Adding an Agent Node
• Setup parallel integration testing in a pipeline
• Executing and Monitoring Parallel pipelines
• Setup Deployment to staging
• Executing a Deployment pipeline
• Checkin pipeline script to Git

Master and Slave Configuration

Integrating Jenkins with jfrog and sonarqube

Model 2: Configuration / Provisioning


Introduction to Chef

• What is Chef
• Common Chef Terminology
• Chef Serverand Workstation
• Chef-Client
• Server and Nodes
• Chef Configuration Concepts
• Run_list

Setting up the Environment

• Intro to ChefDK
• Chef Workstation Setup

Chef Server

• Installing Chef Server
• Chef-Repo, Setting Up the Work Station, and Bootstrapping A Node
• Configuring Git
• Chef Client, Nodes and Run Lists
• Building A Quick Apache Cookbook
• Managing Node Run_Lists
• Chef-Client Configuration


• Understanding Chef and Chef Convergence
• Common Chef Resources
• Default Resource Actions
• Working with not_if and only_if Guards

Recipes and Cookbooks

• Understanding Chef Recipes and Run Lists
• Understanding Chef Cookbooks
• Generating a Cookbook
• Cookbook Pro-Tips

Local Cookbook Development Basics

• Test Kitchen Configuration
• Using Test Kitchen
• Static Code Analysis
• Troubleshooting

Building Web & application server Cookbook

• Getting Setup
• Starting the Apache Recipe
• Adding Platform Support to the Cookbook
• Adding Local Chef-Repo to Github
• Install and configure Chef Reporting
• Node Object and Search
• What is Node Object
• Writing cookbook & recipes for webserver
• Writing cookbook & recipes for tomcat application server


• Node Attributes
• Type of Attributes
• Attributes presidency


• Chef Environments
• What are Environments and why do they matter
• Creating and Configuring Environments
• Deploying to Different Environments
• Viewing and Environments with Knife


• What are Roles
• Creating A web server Role
• Creating Db Server Role
• Creating a Base Role

Chef Supermarket

• Chef Supermarket



• What is Vagrant
• Virtualization Overview

Setting Up Vagrant

• Virtual Box Installation
• Vagrant Installation

Using Vagrant

• Vagrant Machine
• Vagrant Files
• Boxes
• Running Vagrant Machines
• SSH to Vagrant Machine
• Synced Folders
• Environment Management

Automated Provisioning

• Provisioning
• Installing Apache /Shell Script
• Installing Apache /Chef


• Private Networking
• Public Networking

Model 3: Configuration / Provisioning



• What is Ansible
• Change Management
• Provisioning
• Automation
• Orchestration
• Why use Ansible
• Built in Security
• Extendable
• Conclusion

Architecture and Process Flow

• Architecture Introduction
• System Requirement
• Components Overview
• Process of Execution
• Conclusion

Setup and Configuration

• Test Environment Setup
• Download and Installation
• Ansible Configuration File
• The HOSTS File
• Overriding the Default HOSTS File
• Overriding the Default System Ansible.Cfg File
• Overriding the Default Roles Path
• Understanding the core components of Ansible
• Ad-hoc commands in Ansible

Ansible Inventory and Configuration

• Introduction to Inventory &Configuration
• Inventory Fundamentals
• Scaling out with Multiple Files
• Ansible Configuration Basics

Ansible Playbooks

• Ansible Command Line
• Our First Playbook
• Variables: Inclusion Types
• Target Section
• Variable Section
• Task Section
• Handler Section
• Outlining Playbook
• Create a Playbook from Outline
• Optimizing Playbook
• Taking Playbook for a Dry Run
• Simple Variable Substitution
• Loops
• Conditionals
• Vault
• Basic Include Statements
• Tags
• Basic Error Handling
• Includes - Breaking Your Playbook Into Discrete Plays
• Starting At Task or Stepping Through All Tasks
• Passing Variables Into Playbooks at the Command Line
• Using Jinja2 Templates
• Use a playbook to copy a program and customize it for the target host.
• Wiring Play books for java, webservers and applications server

Ansible Modules

• Introduction
• Ansible Modules Fundamentals
• Module Docs
• Yum Module
• Setup Module
• Other modules

Create and use templates to create customized configuration files

• Introduction
• Templates

Working with Ansible facts and variables.

• Let see how we get ansible facts and how we use facts
• Using Ansible facts
• Using variables to gather server info


• Introduction to Roles
• Role Basics
• Creating Role
• Ansible Galaxy
• Roles - The Directory Structure
• Role Based Tasks
• Task Order - Pre and Post Tasks
• Roles - Conditional Execution
• Roles - Variable Substitution
• Roles - Handlers
• Roles - Configuring Alternate Roles Paths
• Roles - Conditional Include Statements
• Roles - Waiting For Events
• Roles - Executing a Task Until
• Roles - Using Tags
• Roles - Breaking a Playbook Into a Role
• Roles - Passing Variables from Command Line
• Roles - Using Jinja2 Templates
• Roles - LocalAction
• Roles - Lets create a role to install apache.
• Lets use the previous role and add a new one.
• Lets build on the previous role
• Create Role for installing tomcat on multiple nodes
• Create Role for deployapplication on multiple nodes

Model 4: Containerization


• Introduction
• What is Docker
• Docker Life Cycle
• How Docker Containers working

Installing Docker

• Installing Docker on Linux

Working with Containers

• How to create the containers
• Docker commands
• Theory of pulling and Running Containers
• Working with images
• Container Life cycle
• Dockerfile
• Build Docker images
• Docker push
• Docker compose
• Docker volumes
• Docker cpu
• Docker memory
• Docker Networking


• What is kubernets
• Purpose of Kubernets
• How kubernets works
• Master components, how works
• Node Compenents, how works
• How pods works
• Installations and configuration kubernets cluster
• Pod lifecycle
• Work with pods
• Work with Services
• Work with Replica controller
• Work with Deployment
• How to Releases java application by using RC and Deploy

Model 5: Terraform

Infrastructure Automation

• What is Infrastructure as Code and why is it needed?
• Declarative vs Procedural tools for Infrastructure as Code
• Infrastructure as Code in the Cloud
• Requirements for infrastructure provisioner
• Deploying First Server
• Preparing work environment
• Terraform providers
• Configuring AWS provider e. Creating EC2 instance with Terraform
• Working with state
• Handling resource updates

Resource Dependencies and Modules

• Creating AWS Virtual Private Cloud
• Controlling dependencies with depends_on and ignore_changes
• Making sense of our template
• Removing duplication with modules
• Configuring modules
• Retrieving module data with outputs
• Using root module outputs

Storing and Supplying Configuration

• Understanding variables
• Configuring data sources
• Exploring Terraform configuration resources
• Taking a quick look at Consul

Model 6: Monitoring

System Monitoring: Nagios

• Installation of Nagios
• Configuring Nagios
• Monitoring with Nagios

Application Monitoring: ELK

• Installation of Elasticsearch, logstash, Kiban stack
• Configuring the ELK Stack
• Monitoring logs with ELK

Amazon Web Services

Model 7: Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2)

• EC2
• EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
• CLB (Classic Load Balancer)
• ALB (Application Load Balancer)
• Cloud Watch
• SNS (Simple Notification Service)
• Auto Scale
• Route53
• EFS (Elastic File Storage)
• EC2 Cloud Formation
• Price optimization

Model 8: Networking (VPC)

• Basic Networking
• VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
• Subnet
• Rout table
• SG (Security groups)
• NACL (Network Access Control Lists)
• Peering connection
• Transit Gateway
• VPN (virtual private network)
• Cloud Formation
• VPC Cloud Formation
• Price optimization

Model 9: Storage and Permissions (S3, IAM)

• S3
• Storage Classes
• Version
• Object Lifecycle
• Statistic webhost
• Glacier
• IAM users
• IAM groups
• IAM roles
• IAM Policies
• S3 CLI
• Price optimization

Model 10: Database (RDS)

• RDS (Relation Database Services)
• Replica
• MAZ (Multi Available Zone)
• Private RDS
• Dynamo DB
• DMS (Data Migration Services)
• Elastic Cache
• Price optimization

AWS Introduction

Model 7: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • EC2 Basics
  • Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
  • Instance types
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Security Groups
  • IP Addressing
  • Launching and using an EC2 instance
  • EC2 Essentials
  • Understanding Reserved Instances
  • Selecting and Building EC2 Instances
  • Working with public and private IP Addresses
  • Cloud-init User data and Metadata
  • Cloud Watch and EC2
  • EC2 Placement Groups o Serving Traffic to Private Web Servers

EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

  • Hard disk Basics
  • EBS Types
  • EBS vs Instance Storage

EBS Volumes And Snapshots:

  • Working with Elastic Block Storage
    • Understanding AWS Storage Types
    • Increasing IOPS Performance
    • Configuring Optimized Instances
  • EBS Snapshots and Replication
    • EBS Snapshots Characteristics
    • Working with Snapshots in the AWS Management Console
  • AWS Command Line Interface
    • Working with EC2 using CLI
  • EC2 Troubleshooting Scenarios

Elastic File Storage

  • Demonstrate ability to create backups for different services
  • Overview of Backup Services on AWS and Services that Include Backups
  • Creating and Scripting Automation for EC2 Snapshots

Load Balancing Basics

  • OSI Network Layer
  • Load Balancing
    • Classic Load Balancer
    • Application Load Balancer
  • Auto Scaling Groups
  • Target Groups
  • Health Checks

Simple Notification Service (SNS)

  • Introduction
  • SNS Topics
  • SNS Subscriptions and SNS Subscription Protocols
  • SNS Push Notifications


  • Creating Cloud Watch Alarms for EC2 Monitoring
  • Creating custom cloudwatch metrics
  • Configuring Alarms

Monitoring and Metrics

  • Understanding AWS Instance types, Utilization and Performance
  • EC2 Instance and System Status Checks
  • Creating Cloud Watch Alarms
  • Installing and Configuring Monitoring Scripts for EC2 Instances
  • Dedicating an instance to monitoring
    • Monitoring EBS for performance and availability


  • CloudTrail Workflow
  • Concepts
  • CloudTrail Log Files

Auto Scaling:

  • Basics
  • Using Auto Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Troubleshooting scenarios
  • Auto Scaling Features
  • How Auto Scaling Works
  • Configuring Auto Scaling

Route 53:

  • Route 53 Basics
  • Using Route 53
  • Route 53 and DNS Failover
  • Weighted Routing Policies In Route 53
  • Configuring DNS with Route 53
    • Where we are in the reference architecture
    • The role of DNS in a distributed cloud system
    • Using Route 53 with ELB, CloudFront, S3
    • Configuring Route 53
    • Route 53 Best Practices


  • AWS Billing and linking AWS Accounts
  • AWS Billing Dimensions and metrics for Cloud Watch
  • Cost Optimizing
  • Using the AWS Price List API and Cost Explorer


  • Creation and management of EC2 resources using CLI

Model 8: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • VPC Basics
  • Internet Gateways (IGW)
  • Route Tables (RTs)
  • Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)
  • Subnets o Availability Zones
  • Introduction to VPC and AWS Networking o Building A VPC From Scratch
    • VPC Networking
    • VPC Security
  • Configuring a NAT Instance
  • DB Subnet Groups
  • Elastic IP Addresses and Elastic Network Interfaces
  • Configure a Web Application In VPC
  • Extending the VPC to On-Premise Networks
  • VPC Peering o Troubleshooting scenarios
  • Network and Data Security o Network Monitoring with Flow Logs

Extending On-Premise Networks with VPN:

  • Using Directory Service to Connect Hybrid Architectures
  • Security Zones
  • Understanding AWS IP Subnet Reservations
  • Hybrid Cloud AWS
    • Overview
    • AWS Hybrid Cloud Scenario
    • Network Integration in to AWS VPC
      • Best Practices
      • AWS VPC Wizard Creation
      • Creating an OpenVPN Instance for Client Connections

Cloud Formation:

  • Cloud Formation Essentials
  • Creation and deployment of VPC Using Cloud Formation


  • Cost Optimizing


  • Creation and management of VPC resources using CLI

Model 9: S3, IAM

Simple Storage Service (S3)

  • S3 Basics
  • Buckets and objects
  • Storage Classes
  • Object Lifecycles
  • Permissions
  • Object Versioning
  • S3 Essentials
  • S3 Bucket/Object Versioning and Policies
  • Website Hosting with S3
  • AWS Command Line Interface
    • Working with S3 using CLI
  • Introduction To S3 Developer Requirements
  • Creating a static hosting Website with S3
  • S3 IAM & Bucket Policies


  • Overview
  • Introduction to Glacier
  • Creating a Glacier Vault
  • Storing Archives in Glacier
  • Understanding Glacier's Retrieval Pricing
  • Restoring Archives from Glacier


  • Cost Optimizing


  • Creation and management of s3 resources using CLI

Identity Access Management (IAM)

  • What is IAM
  • Create User
  • Create Groups
  • Roles
  • Polices
  • Custom polices
  • Create/Set an IAM Policy for an IAM User

Model 10: Relational Database Service (RDS) Dynamo DB


  • Overview
  • Essentials
  • Working with RDS
  • Subnet Groups
  • Security Options
  • RDS Security Groups and Connecting to RDS from EC2
  • Monitoring RDS for performance and availability
  • MySQL and Maria DB on RDS
  • Replica & MAZ
  • Private RDS

Amazon Dynamo DB:

  • Getting Started with Dynamo DB
  • Local and Global Secondary Indexes
  • Dynamo DB overview and Limits
  • Dynamo DB Multi-Region Replication

Database Migration Service

  • How AWS DMS Works
  • Security Setup
  • Replication Instance
  • Endpoints
  • Tasks
  • Migrating Mysql
  • Migrating Microsoft SQL Server

Elastic Cache

  • Caching Overview
  • Memcached
  • Redis
  • Clusters
  • Backups


  • AWS Billing and linking AWS Accounts
  • AWS Billing Dimensions and metrics for Cloud Watch
  • Cost Optimizing o Using the AWS Price List API and Cost Explorer


  • Creation & Managing EBS & EFS using CLI
  • Creation and Management of DB Services using CLI