Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


CORE JAVA Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: Mar 13th @6:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Nageswar Rao (20+ Yrs of Exp,..)

Duration: 75 Days (Class: 1 Hour 30 Mints)

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96



Module - I

1) Introduction to Software
2) Introduction to Operating System
3) Generation of languages
4) Java features
5) Different editions of java
6) Interpreter Vs Compiler
7) Exe file Vs java .class file
8) Java Vs C++ Vs Python
9) Different Versions of java
10) Installing java and environment variables setup
11) Working with Eclipse IDE
12) Steps to Develop Java Application
13) Naming conditions and conventions of different Identifiers
14) JVM high level Architecture
15) Java data types
16) ASCII Char Vs Unicode Chars
17) Working with Variables
18) Types Casting
19) Operators

  • Unary Operators
  • Binary Operators
  • Ternary Operators

20) Control statements

  • Different types of If statements
  • Swich-Case statement
  • While – loop
  • Do-while loop
  • For-loop

21) Logic Building and Improving Coding skills ( 100 Programs Covered )
22) Arrays

  • Single Dimension arrays
  • Multi Dimension Arrays
  • Searching Techniques
  • Sorting Techniques
  • Simple Variables Vs Reference Variables

23) Command Line Parameters
24) Working with Methods
25) Different Types of methods

Module – II

Object Oriented Programming

1) History of OOP’s Concept
2) Encapsulation
3) Data Abstraction
4) Classes and Objects
5) Memory map of Objects
6) Stack and heap memory management
7) Method overloading
8) Static data members
9) Static methods
10) Static import
11) Static blocks
12) Static inner classes
13) Types of variables
14) This reference variable
15) Method returning current object
16) Call by value and Call by reference methods
17) Constructors
18) Constructor overloading
19) Inheritance
20) Types of inheritance
21) Method overriding Concepts
22) Method overriding vs Method Overloading
23) Inheritance with constructors
24) Working with Packages
25) Access specifiers , public, protected , default and private
26) Access Modifiers
27) Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods
28) Interfaces
29) Adapter classes and Marker Interface
30) Polymorphism
31) Polymorphism with interfaces and abstract classes
32) Static Binding Vs Dynamic binding
33) Garbage Collection

Module - III

1) String, StringBuffer, StringTokenizer, StringBuilder
2) Different string operations
3) String Vs StringBuffer
4) StringBuffer Vs StringBuilder
5) Steps to Create Immutable Class
6) Data conversions
7) Basic to basic type conversions
8) Upcasting and down Casting
9) String to numeric and Numeric to String Conversions
10) Object Wrapper Classes
11) Object class
12) Cloning an Object
13) Overriding toString() Method

Module - III

Exception Handling

1) What is an Exception handling process
2) Why exception required
3) Error Vs Exception Vs Bug Vs Defect
4) Exception classes hierarchy
5) try and catch blocks
6) try with multiple catch blocks
7) try with default catch
8) try with finally block
9) nested try blocks
10) throw key word throwing explicit exceptions
11) User defined exceptions
12) Exception Vs Error classes
13) Checked exception vs Un checked exceptions
14) Throws clause suppressing exceptions
15) Method re-throwing an exception

Module - IV

Collection Frame Work

1) What is collection frame work
2) Purpose of collection frame work in project
3) Data Structures Concepts
4) Structured data Vs Un-Structured Data Vs Semi-Structured Data
5) Generic Vs Non-Generic Collections
6) Collections Frame work Hierarchy
7) Working with Collection interface methods
8) List interface and Childs classes
9) ArrayList Vs LinkedLinked List with Memory map
10) ArrayList Vs Vector
11) Vector Vs Stack
12) Set Interface and it’s child classes
13) HashSet Vs TreeSet
14) Map interface and it’s Child classes
15) HashMap Vs Hashtable
16) Queue Interface and Child classes
17) Collection Class
18) Properties classes loading externally Config parameters

Module - V

Input and Output Streams

1) Input Stream Vs Output Stream
2) Standard Input an Streams
3) Character Streams Vs Byte Streams
4) Hierarchy Byte Streams and Character Streams
5) Working with file attributes
6) Creating files and displaying files at Console
7) Copying files at Console
8) Reading line by lines from files
9) Processing CSV files
10) CSV files data Loading into Collection Components
11) Processing Structured data from CSV Files
12) Processing Records ( Bigadata )
13) Filtering Data, reading selected fields
14) Processing Conditional Data
15) Data Sorting , and Grouping
16) Generating Reports from Data
17) Working with Character streams
18) Reading data from console
19) Merging two files
20) Handling Excel files
21) Parsing Excel file Using Apache POI
22) Generating Excel Files Using Apache POI
23) Reading XML Data Using DOM Parser
24) Generating XML Files Using DOM Parser
25) Reading JSON Files , Using JSON API
26) Generating JSON Files, Using JSON API
27) Loading Externally Config Parameters form files
28) Serialization and Deserialization
29) Object Persistence
30) Handling transient variables
31) Reflection API

Module – VI


1) Networking Terminology
3) Server Sockets and Client Sockets
4) Byte stream Vs Packet stream
5) Developing TCP applications
6) Developing one to one Chatting applications
7) Developing one to many broad Casting Application
8) Working with URL Class.

Module - VII


1) What is tasking
2) Thread based technology Vs Process based technology
3) Different states of thread
4) Different ways Creation of threads
5) Creating Multiple threads
6) Thread priority
7) Communication between Parent and Child Threads
8) Thread Synchronization
9) Thread dead lock scenarios

Miscellaneous Topics :

1) Interview Questions on every topic
2) Total around 200 Interview Questions Covered
3) Real time and Practical scenarios
4) 200 + programs ( live explanation ) and daily assignments
5) Five Test Papers