Courses Offered: SCJP SCWCD Design patterns EJB CORE JAVA AJAX Adv. Java XML STRUTS Web services SPRING HIBERNATE  


Angular JS Course Details

Batch Date: Sep 28th @ 7:00PM

Faculty: Mr. Samba

Duration: 15 - 20 Days

Fee:  500 INR + Reg fee 100 Rs.

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.

Venue :
Plot No : 302,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Ph.No : 09246212143,8096969696


AngularJS Content:
 1) Introduction
·         Importance Of AngularJS
·         Key Features Of AngularJS
·         Advantages Of AngularJS
·         Disadvantages Of AngularJS
·         AngularJS Components
Ø  ng-app
Ø  ng-model
Ø  ng-bind
 2) AngularJS Environment Setup
                        ·         AngularJS Download
Ø  GitHub
·         Directory Structure Of AngularJS Application

3) MVC Architecture / MVVM

·         Model - It is the lowest level of the pattern responsible for maintaining data.
·         View - It is responsible for displaying all or a portion of the data to the user.
·         Controller - It is a software Code that controls the interactions between the Model and View.
 4) SPA (Single Page Application)
·         Architecture Of SPA

5) First Application
·         Load framework
·         Define AngularJS Application using ng-app directive
·         Define a model name using ng-model directive
·         Bind the value of above model defined using ng-bind directive.
·         Run AngularJS Application
6) Directives
                        ·         ng-app
·         ng-bind
·         ngBindHTML
·         ngBindTemplate
·         ngBlur
·         ngChange
·         ngChecked
·         ngClass
·         ngClassOdd, ngClassEven
·         ngClick
·         ngCloak
·         ngController
·         ngCopy, ngCut
·         ngDblClick
·         ngDisabled
·         ngHide
·         ngIf
·         ngRepeat
·         ngShow
·         ngStyle
7) Custom Directives
·         properties
Ø  restrict
Ø  scope
Ø  template
Ø  templateUrl
Ø  controller
Ø  controllerAs
Ø  priority
Ø  link
Ø  compile
Ø  transclude


8) Expressions
·         Using Numbers
·         Using Strings
·         Using Object
·         Using Array

9) Controllers
·         Controllers Overview
10) Filters
·         Uppercase filter
·         Lowercase filter
·         Currency
·         Filter
·         Orderby

11) AngularJS  –  HTML DOM

·         View in AngularJS

12) Scopes

·         Scope Inheritance

13) Services
·         Creating the Services By:
Ø  Factory
Ø  Service

14)Design patterns

·         Dependency Injection
·         Supreme Dependency Injection Mechanism by AngularJS
Ø  Value
Ø  Factory
Ø  Service
Ø  Provider
Ø  Constant


15) Internalization

16) Routing

17) POC (Proof Of Concept)