1. Introduction of ANGULAR
2. Typescript
3. Node Modules
4. Angular Framework Architecture
5. Components, Modules
6. Decorators
7. Organize Routes using Modules
8. Injectable Services.
9. Directives & Custom Directives.
10. Data Bindings.
11. Events
13. Reactive form and Template Driven Forms
14. Bind form controls to a model
15. Custom Pipe
16. Routing (Single Page Application)
17. Integration with Serverside Script
18. Input and Ouput Data.
19. Express JS API Services
20. Mongo DB integration
21. NPM Commands
22. Observable
23. Event Emitter
24. Angular Animations
25. Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE
26. Angular CLI
27. ANGULAR Communication with NODE JS
28. MEAN Stack Programming
29. Angular with Bootstrap
30. Angular with AJAX
31. Angular with JQuery
32. Search Plugin
33. Pagination with Data Grid
34. Sorting Data Using Angular
35. Angular Lifecycle Hooks
36. Lazy loading in Angular
37. forRoot vs forChild
38. Local Storage
39. @ViewChild
40. Http and HttpClient
41. Authentication Guards
42. AOT and JIT
43. Material Design
44. Mini Applications with Angular
45. Interview Questions.
46. NGX Library
47. AG grid
48. Promises
49. Role based Router guards
50. Json web tokens
51. Http Interceptors
52. Deployment of Angular Application in live servers
53. Angular Testing - (using Karma, Jasmine, Protractor)