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AZURE Administration & AZURE DEVOPS Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: July 27th @8:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Sekhar Reddy (15+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)

Duration: 2 Months

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96


AZ-104-Microsoft Azure Administrator

Module 1: Introduction to Cloud computing

  • Understanding different Cloud Models
  • Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • Different Cloud Services
  • Cloud vendors
  • What is Cloud Computing
  • History & Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
  • WhyCloud
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Types of Cloud
  • Cloud Service Models
  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS

Module 2: Microsoft Azure Platform

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Azure Features
  • Azure Services
  • Azure Management Portal
  • Azure Advantages
  • Managing Azure with the Azure portal
  • Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell
  • Overview of Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure management services

Module 3: Microsoft Azure Subscriptions

  • Assign administrator permissions
  • Configure cost center quotas and tagging
  • Configure Azure subscription policies at Azure subscription level
  • Types of subscriptions

Module 4: Create Storage accounts and Store the files

  • What is the storage account?
  • Types of storage accounts
  • Types of storages (Blob,file,table,queue)
  • Create blob container
  • How to create file storage and upload the files.
  • How to deploy the static site in blob storage?
  • How to deploy static application in storage account

Module 5: Implementing and managing Azure networking

  • Overview of Azure networking
  • Implementing and managing Azure virtual networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual networks
  • Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity
  • What is subnet
  • Classes of IP address (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D)

Module 6: Implementing virtual machines

  • Overview of Azure Resource Manager virtual machines
  • Planning for Azure virtual machines
  • Deploying Azure Resource Manager virtual machines
  • IP address
  • Assign the Dynamic and static IP address

Module 7: Managing Virtual Machines

  • Configuring virtual machines
  • Configuring virtual machine disks
  • Managing and monitoring Azure virtual machines
  • How to add the disks to VM?
  • How to extend the disks?
  • How to change the Site of VM

Module 8: Create, Manage and deploy the applications in VM(Azure)

  • Create VM with windows OS
  • Install IIS servers
  • Host .NET applications on IIS
  • Enable the Network security gateway to access to access the site from outside.
  • Create VM with Linux
  • Deploy the apache tomcat server
  • Deploy Java application.

Module 9: Implementing Azure App Services

  • Introduction to App Service
  • Planning app deployment in App Service
  • Implementing and maintaining web apps
  • Create the .NET/Java/PHP web apps
  • Monitoring web apps and Web Jobs.
  • Implementing mobile apps

Module 10: Planning and implementing storage, backup, and recovery services

  • Planning storage
  • Implementing backup and restore the files and folders
  • Implementing VM backups.
  • Implementing VM restore.
  • Implementing Azure Backup
  • Planning for and implementing Azure Site Recovery

Module 11: Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database

  • Planning and deploying Azure SQL Database
  • Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database security
  • Monitoring Azure SQL Database
  • Managing Azure SQL Database business continuity
  • Migrate the on-premises DB to Azure cloud
  • Create database in on-premises and synch with azure cloud

Module 12: Implementing PaaS cloud services

  • Planning and deploying PaaS cloud services
  • Managing and maintaining cloud services
  • Deploying a PaaS cloud service
  • Configuring deployment app services Deployment slots.
  • Monitoring cloud services

Module 13: Configuring alert and metrics for VM /App services

  • Managing and configuring alerts in Azure could
  • Deploying a alerts for cloud app service
  • Deploying alertsfor VM.
  • Monitoring cloud services

Module 14: Implementing Azure Active Directory

  • Creating and managing Azure AD tenants
  • Configuring application and resource access with Azure AD
  • Create multiple directories.
  • Create the domains
  • Overview of Azure AD Premium
  • Administering Active AD
  • Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication

Module 15: Managing Active Directory in a could environment

  • Migrating on-perm active directory users to Azure could.
  • Configuring directory synchronization
  • Synchronizing directories

Module 16: Manage resource groups

  • use Azure policies for resource groups
  • configure resource locks
  • configure resource policies
  • identify auditing requirements
  • implement and set tagging on resource groups
  • move resources across resource groups
  • remove resource groups

Module 17: Managed role based access control (RBAC)

  • create a custom role
  • configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
  • configure management access to Azure, troubleshoot RBAC, implement RBAC policies, assign RBAC Roles

Module 18: Traffic manager

  • Introduction to Traffic manager
  • Routing methods(Priority,Weighted,Performance,Geographic)
  • How to configure different routing methods
  • What is end point
  • How to add the servers to traffic manager?

Module 19: Backup and restore operations

  • How to take application backup
  • Perform backup and restore operations for VM.
  • Perform backup and restore operations for File storage.

Module 20: PowerShell

  • What is windows PowerShell.
  • Advantages of PowerShell.
  • What is the Azure CLI?
  • How to automate the activities using azure CLI (PowerShell).

Module 21: Storage Solutions

  • Azure Storage and replication types
  • Storage account types
    • General-purpose v1 (GPv1)
    • Blob storage
    • General-purpose v2 (GPv2)
  • Storage replication types
    • Locally Redundant Storage
    • Zone Redundant Storage
    • Geo-redundant Storage
  • Azure Blob Storage
    • Access tiers
      1. Hot
      2. Cool
      3. Archive
  • Azure Table Storage
    • Creating a storage account
    • Uploading data to Azure Table Storage
  • Azure Queue Storage
  • Azure File Storage
  • Azure Disk Storage
    • Standard Disk Storage
    • Premium Disk Storage
    • Unmanaged versus Managed Disks
    • STORSIMPLE Virtual Array
    • STORSIMPLE 8000 Series
  • Cosmos DB Storage
  • Azure Search
  • Azure SQL Database
    • SQL Server Stretch Database
    • High availability
    • Active geo-replication

Module 22: Administration

  • VM storage
  • Configure Disk Caching
  • Plan Storage Capacity
  • Configure Operating System Disk Redundancy
  • Configure Shared Storage Using Azure File Service
  • Encrypt Disks
  • Azure Storage Blobs and Azure Files
    1. Read Data, Change Data, Set Metadata On A Container
    2. Store Data Using Block And Page Blobs
    3. Stream Data Using Blobs
    4. Access Blobs Securely
    5. Implement A sync Blob Copy
    6. Configure a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    7. Design Blob Hierarchies
    8. Configure Custom Domains
    9. Scale Blob Storage
  • Azure SQL Databases
    1. Choose the Appropriate Database Tier and Performance Level
    2. Configure Point-in-time Recovery, Geo-replication, and Data Sync

Module 23: ARM

  • What is ARM Template?
  • Advantages of ARM templates.
  • How to create multiples VM using ARM template?

Module 24: Terraform

  • What terraform
  • Advantages of terraform
  • IAAC
  • Build/deployment/Terraform
  • Deploy solutions using Terraform template

Module 25: GitHub-Microsoft

  • What is GitHub?
  • Integrate GitHub with appservice/application
  • GitHub advantages.
  • Clone GitHub to location computer.

MicroSoft Azure DevOps (AZ 400)

MicroSoft Azure DevOps Concepts (SAAS)

Module 1: Introduction to Azure Cloud Computing

  • Understanding Cloud Computing
  • Benefit and Feature of Cloud Computing
  • Explain on Platform as a Service (PaaS), SaaS, IaaS
  • Cloud Trends
  • Public and Private Cloud
  • Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Depth explain on Virtualization
  • Architecture of Cloud Computing

Module 2: Getting Start with Microsoft Azure Devops portal

  • Overview of Microsoft Azure
  • Explains on Azure Platform
  • Getting Access to Azure
  • Explain on Azure Resource Manager
  • Using Azure Portal
  • Manage Azure using Azure Portal
  • Manage Azure using Power Shell
  • Understanding on Management Services
  • Create and View Resources
  • Explain on Azure services

Module 3: Working with Azure App Service

  • Overview of App Service
  • Deployment in App Service
  • Deploy and maintaining web Apps
  • Configuring app with deployment slots
  • Configuring the app with DevOps.

Module 4: Introduction Azure DevOps

  • Azure Boards(Agile)
  • Azure Repos
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Artifacts
  • Azure Test Plan

Module 5: CI/CD Process Using Vsts and Azure

  • Task Creation Based on the Application Repository
  • Create the CI Process
  • Build Setup
  • Authenticate Build to Azure Web service
  • Failover Mechanism
  • Test Cases Build
  • Build alerts Configuration
  • IAAS Deployments
  • PAAS Deployments
  • Alerts Configuration Using Azure
  • Build And deployments through PowerShell

Module 6: Source Control Management (SCM)

  • Version controlling mechanism using Azure Repos
  • Branching & merging strategy
  • Various branching & merging strategies and their scenarios

Module 7: GitHub

  • What is GitHub
  • How to manage the code in GitHub
  • Manage and deploy the code in GitHub
  • Manage the .NET and Java code in GitHub.

Module 8: Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines
  • Pipeline creation
  • Environments
  • Tasks
  • Code Coverage
  • Gated Builds
  • Best Practices

Module 9: Continuous Deployment (CD)

  • Deployment Pipeline using Azure Pipelines
  • Automation of Application Configuration (web.config, app.configete)
  • Automated workflows for Deployments
  • Gated Deployments
  • Integration with Artifact management
  • Roll-backs
  • One-click deployment

Module 10: Release Management

  • Release Automation using Azure Release Pipeline
  • Fundamentals of SCRUM boards in Azure DevOps
  • What sprint
  • Backlogs/Sprint iteration

Module 11: Agile Methodology

  • How can we create task in Agile
  • How can we create sprint/work item in Agile?
  • Public/Private projects.

Module 12: Docker Fundamentals

  • What isDocker
  • Why useDocker
  • Docker Fundamentals &Terminology
  • DockerContainers
  • Containers vs VirtualMachines
  • Advantages ofContainers
  • DockerImages
  • DockerRegistries

Module 13: AZURE AKS Fundamentals

  • What isthe AKS.
  • How to implement AKS.
  • How to Deploy the multiple applications on AKS?
  • How to manage clusters in AKS?

Module 14: Containerization

  • Docker.
  • Kubernetes

Module 15: Infrastructure Automation

  • Terraform

Module 16: Monitoring

  • Elastic search
  • Kibana
  • Log stash
  • Nagios

Why DevOps:

  • Business Perspective
  • IT Perspective
  • Developer Perspective
  • Tester Perspective
  • Operations Perspective


  • Source Code Management
  • SCM Tools
  • What is Git
  • Installation
  • Work space/ work dir/ work tree
  • Configuration
  • Commit/check-in
  • Version/version-ID/commit-ID,
  • Work space, staging area, buffer area
  • Local Repo/remote repo
  • Customer Branching
  • Release Branching
  • Merge, stash, fast-forwarding, rebase
  • Chery-pick, cat-file and hocks
  • Repositories and Tracking
  • Git Commands: add, commit, log, push, status, ignore, branch, checkout merge, confict, stash, reset, revert
  • Git GUI


  • Introduction
  • Plugin Architecture
  • Extension Points
  • Getting Plugins
  • Useful Plugins Overview
  • Build Tool Plugins
  • Installing a plugin
  • Plugin configuration
  • Security Overview

Finding and Managing Plugins:

  • The need for plugins
  • Integrated Code Coverage
  • Assessing a plugin
  • Testing Plugins and Plugin Types


  • Introduction
  • What is Docker
  • Docker Life Cycle
  • How Docker Containers working

Installing Docker:

  • Installing Docker on Linux

Working with Containers:

  • How to create the containers
  • Docker commands
  • Theory of pulling and Running Containers
  • Working with images
  • Container Life cycle
  • Dockerfile
  • Build Docker images
  • Docker push
  • Docker compose
  • Docker volumes
  • Docker cpu
  • Docker memory
  • Docker Networking


  • What is kubernets
  • Purpose of Kubernets
  • How kubernets works
  • Master components, how works
  • Node Compenents, how works
  • How pods works
  • Installations and configuration kubernets cluster
  • Pod lifecycle
  • Work with pods
  • Work with Services
  • Work with Replica controller
  • Work with Deployment
  • How to Releases java application by using RC and Deploy
  • AKS


Infrastructure Automation
  • What is Infrastructure as Code and why is it needed?
  • Declarative vs Procedural tools for Infrastructure as Code
  • Infrastructure as Code in the Cloud
  • Requirements for infrastructure provisioner
  • Deploying First Server
  • Preparing work environment
  • Terraform providers
  • Configuring AWS provider e. Creating EC2 instance with Terraform
  • Working with state
  • Handling resource updates

Module 17: Jenkins

  • What is the Jenkin.
  • How to implement Jenkin.
  • How to Jenkin server.