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Date: Mar 18th @9:00AM
Faculty: Mr. Shiva (8+ Yrs Of Exp,..)
Duration: 90 Days
Flat No : 202,
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HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
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Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins & AWS (Mini DevOps)
Including Real Time Scenarios
Module 01 : Docker Introduction
Module 02 : Docker Deep Dive
Module 03 : Custom Docker Images
Module 04 : Docker Volumes & Docker Networking
Module 05 : Advanced Concepts & Projects
Module 01 : Kubernetes Introductions & Tools Installation
Module 02 : Kubernetes Workloads & Resources
Module 03 : Kubernetes Services and LoadBalancing
Module 04 : Kubernetes Storage
Module 05 : Configuring Kubernetes Workloads
Module 06 : Scheduling In Kubernetes
Module 07 : Security For Kubernetes Cluster
Module 08 : Networking In Kubernetes
Module 09 : Monitoring & Troubleshooting Of Kubernetes
Module 10 : Other Useful Scenarios Of Kubernetes
Module 11 : Helm Chart Concepts
Module 12 : Projects W.R.T Kubernetes
Module 01 : Jenkins Introduction
Module 02 : Jenkins Deep Dive
Module 03 : Jenkins Integration With Other Tools
Module 04 : Jenkins Configuration
Module 05 : Jenkins Administration & Troubleshooting
Module 06 : Projects W.R.T Jenkins
Amazon Web Services
Module 01 : Introduction To Cloud & Amazon Web Services
Module 02 : Virtual Private Cloud
Module 03 : Route53
Module 04 : Elastic Compute Cloud
Module 05 : Simple Storage Service
Module 06 : Lambda
Module 07 : CloudWatch
Module 08 : CloudTrail
Module 09 : Relational Database Service
Module 10 : Simple Notification Service
Module 11 : Identity & Access Management
Module 12 : CloudFront
- What is SDLC? What is DevOps? Where is DevOps position in SDLC?
- Importance of DevOps in software release.
- Introduction to Physical Servers, Virtualization, Virtual Servers and Cloud.
- Jenkins, Docker & Kubernetes position in SDLC.
- Importance of Jenkins, Docker & Kubernetes in the IT industry.
Docker Introduction
- Introduction to Docker & Containers.
- Installation of Docker and Docker-Compose.
- Explanation of YAML syntax.
- Explanation of technical terms used in Docker.
- (Docker Host, Docker Client, Docker Daemon, Docker Registry,
Docker Images)
Docker DeepDive
- Commands used in Docker and their explanation along with flags.
- Working on Docker images
- Practical examples of running applications and use cases.
- Understanding 3-tier architecture.
- Explanation and creating multi container architecture.
(with -- link flag and docker-compose)
- Practical examples and use cases with multi container architecture.
Custom Docker Images
- Understanding and creating custom Docker images.
- Understanding of DOCKERFILE.
- Explanation of various keywords used in DOCKERFILE.
- Practical examples of dockerfiles.
Docker Volumes & Docker Networking
- Understanding significance of Docker volumes and its types.
(Simple Docker Volumes and Docker Volume Containers)
- Understanding Docker networking and types.
(Bridge network, Host network, Null network, Overlays network)
- Practical examples and use cases with Docker volumes and Docker networking.
Advanced Concepts & Projects
- Multi stage docker builds for two applications.
- Understanding layers for Docker images.
- Practical examples and use cases of multi stage docker builds.
- Projects on Docker and Docker-Compose.
- Debugging/Troubleshooting of issues faced in docker.
- Introduction to container orchestration and advantages.
- Various orchestration technologies available in the market.
- Introduction to Kubernetes.
Kubernetes(K8S) & Installation of tools
- What is K8S? Why K8S?
- Installation of K8S client kubectl.
- Creating Kubernetes cluster with AWS EKS with YAML.
- K8S cluster architecture and its components explanation.
(kube api-server, controller manager, scheduler, ETCD, kubelet, kube-proxy, container runtime engine)
- Explanation of technical terminologies in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Workloads and Resources
- InitContainers, Pods, ReplicaSet, Deployments, DaemonSet, Jobs & CronJobs, StatefulSets.
- Explanation of multi container pods.
- Imperative and declarative commands for Kubernetes.
- Practical examples and use cases of above workloads.
Kubernetes Services and LoadBalancing
- Understanding services and its types.
(ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName, Headless Service)
- Understanding multi-port services.
- Practical examples and use cases of services and its types.
- Understanding DNS for services and pods.
Kubernetes Storage
- Understanding volumes in Kubernetes.
- Persistent volumes and Persistent volume claims.
- EmptyDir, HostPath, Static volume provisioning, Dynamic volume provisioning and Storage Classes.
- Practical examples and use cases of storage.
Configuring Kubernetes Workloads
- Configmaps, Secrets and Sealed Secrets.
- Requests and Limits, ResourceQuota, LimitRanges and Quality Of Service classes.
- Understanding different types of deployments and their significance.
- Configuring horizontal pod auto scaler.
- Configuring pods with policies (eg: ImagePullPolicy)
- Commands and Arguments and its advantages.
- Explanation of namespaces.
- Liveness, Readiness probes and StartUp probes.
- Practical examples and use cases.
- Manual Scheduling of workloads/pods with node name.
- Scheduling the applications using labels and selectors.
- Scheduling pods using Taints and Tolerations.
- Scheduling pod using NodeAffinity.
- Understanding the difference between Taints and Tolerations and NodeAffinity.
- Understanding pod affinity and anti affinity and difference.
- Practical examples and use cases of scheduling.
- Understanding service accounts. Using a service account with Kubernetes dashboard application.
- Roles, RoleBinding, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.
- RBAC (Role Based Access Control).
- Explanation of Static Pods.
- Practical examples and use cases of security.
- Introduction to networking in Kubernetes.
- What is ingress? Why is its significance?
- Practical examples of nginx and kong ingress controllers
(Path Based Routing and Host Based Routing).
- Understanding network policies and use cases.
- Practical examples and use cases of networking.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Introduction to Logging and Monitoring.
- Different issues that may occur in the Kubernetes cluster.
- Visiting logs and describing applications to debug applications.
- Understanding the problems and their significance.
- Monitoring cluster with Kubernetes dashboard and K9S dashboard.
Other Useful Scenarios
- Integrating EKS cluster with AWS Secrets Manager.
- EKS cluster upgradation process.
- Making the cluster highly available with cluster autoscaler.
- Managing the DNS of K8S services with ExternalDNS.
- Upgrading EKS cluster.
Other Tools
- Introduction to Helm charts.
- Installing Helm and working with it.
- Commands used to deploy applications with Helm and their explanation.
- Working with Helm and explanation of folder structure.
- Functions, Conditions and Loops in Helm.
- Helm templatising. Named templates.
- Project on Helm charts.
- Projects on combination of Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, K9S, ArgoCD.
Jenkins Introduction
- Introduction to Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment.
- Introduction to Jenkins & Installation. Creating an explanation of master slave architecture to execute Jenkins jobs.
- Master slave architecture with SSH.
- Explanation of technical terms in Jenkins.
Jenkins Deep Dive
- Creating a free style project with pipeline syntax.
- Creating and working with pipeline projects.
- Creating and working with a multi branch pipeline project.
- Exploring various options that we have as part of creating pipelines.
- Post build actions of jenkins pipeline.
Jenkins Integrations
- Jenkins integration with GitHub to fetch the project.
- Jenkins integration with SonarQube to check application vulnerabilities.
- Jenkins integration with DockerHub to store docker images.
- Jenkins integration with Trivy to scan docker images.
- Jenkins integration with Kubernetes to deploy applications.
- Jenkins integration with slack to send notifications.
Jenkins Configuration
- Configuring credentials in Jenkins to use them in the pipeline.
- Configuring custom environmental variables with Jenkins pipeline.
- Configuring Jenkins pipeline with parameters.
- Configuring upstream and downstream projects.
- Configuring predefined environmental variables with Jenkins pipeline.
- User and role management in Jenkins.
- Using plugins with Jenkins.
- Exploring Jenkins stash and working with it.
Jenkins Administration and Troubleshooting
- Configuring slack notifications for jenkins pipelines.
- Monitoring jenkins setup with prometheus and grafana.
- User and role management in jenkins.
- Backup and restore required things from Jenkins machine.
- Troubleshooting issues faced and possible problems in Jenkins.
- Project on combination of Jenkins, Java, Maven, SonarQube, Docker, Trivy, Slack and Kubernetes.
Amazon Web Services
Introduction to cloud
- Introduction to cloud computing and AWS.
- Understanding AWS Regions and Availability Zones.
AWS Services
VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
- CIDR Ranges, Subnet Mask etc.
- VPC, Subnets (Public & Private), Route Tables.
- Internet, NAT Gateway and Transit Gateway.
- NACL & Security Groups.
- VPC Endpoint and VPC Flow Logs.
- Elastic Ip’s.
Route53 (DNS Service)
- Hosted Zones(Public & Private).
- Health Checks in Route53.
- Record Types.
- Routing Policies.
- Health Checks
EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud
- Amazon Machine Images(Public, Private and Own)
- Working with Linux and Windows virtual machines.
- EC2 userdata.
- Moving instance types.
- Accessing EC2 machines if we lose key pairs.
- Types of instances.
- EBS volumes and their types.
- EBS snapshots.
- Moving EBS volumes across az’s.
- Target Groups, Load Balancers and types.
- Configuring Load Balancers to send logs to S3.
- Launch Templates and Auto Scaling Groups.
- Network Interfaces and Key Pairs.
S3 - Simple Storage Service
- Working with S3 Buckets.
- Bucket Versioning and Encryption.
- Server Access Logging and Event Notifications.
- Object Lock and Static Website Hosting.
- Bucket Policies.
- Configuring Bucket LifeCycle Rules.
- Configuring Bucket Replication Rules.
AWS Lambda
- Working with lambda functions.
- Layers in Lambda function.
- Configuring lambda functions like timeout etc.
- Configuring lambda role and resource based policy statements.
- Configuring triggers and destinations for lambda.
- Creating function URL.
- Configuring environmental variables.
- Lambda function aliases and versions.
- Introduction to handler & Configuring handler in lambda.
CloudWatch (Monitoring)
- CloudWatch alarms and types.
- CloudWatch log groups.
- CloudWatch events and types.
- Installing CloudWatch agent to collect custom metrics from EC2 machines.
- Configuring CloudWatch alarms to send notifications to SNS when state changes.
- Introduction to CloudTrail.
- CloudTrail event monitoring and troubleshooting.
RDS - Relational Database Service
- Working With RDS services.
- Creating snapshots and sharing.
- Accessing the RDS database from EC2 machine.
- Configuring RDS database with high availability and read replicas.
- Configuring RDS Proxy.
- Creating CloudWatch alarm for RDS database.
- Discussion on backups and maintenance windows.
SNS - Simple Notification Service
- Introduction to SNS.
- Subscriptions, Access Policy, Data Protection Policy and Encryption.
- Types of subscription protocols and subscription filter policies.
IAM - Identity & Access Management
- IAM Users and Groups.
- Root User vs IAM User.
- Policies and Roles.
- Account settings and Configuring MFA.
- Auditing user activity.
- Creating CloudFront distribution.
- CloudFront distribution settings.
- Types of CloudFront distribution origins.
- Working with TTL.
- Behaviours in CloudFront.
- CloudFront cache invalidations.
- Other concepts in CloudFront.
Introduction To Python Boto3 Module
Important Real Time Use Cases
- Deployment pipeline to EC2 using S3, Lambda, Systems Manager.
- Configuring public endpoint to above deployed app using Route53, AutoScaling Groups, LoadBalancers and CloudFront distribution.
- Setting up the AWS services to get gold prices everyday morning to mail
(We use Lambda, SNS Topic)
- Deploying a 3-tier application to AWS cloud ensures autoscaling, caching, load balancing, high availability, security, logging, metrics and disaster recovery aspects.
Introduction To Terraform
- Summarize the things we have learnt.