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ASP.Net MVC Course Details


Batch Date: Mar 9th @ 7:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Mahesh Babu

Duration: 30 Days

Fee:  1000/- INR + Reg Fee 100/- INR

Location : Maitrivanam, Hyderabad.

Venue :
Plot No : 302,
IInd Floor ,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038.
Phone No: 9246212143


An Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
What are the differences between ASP.Net Web Forms and ASP.Net MVC?
History of ASP.Net MVC
Creating An ASP.Net MVC Application
The Architecture of an ASP.NET MVC Internet Application
ASP.NET MVC Folder Conventions

What is a Controller and What is Use Of it?
Overview of Routing Engine
Creating Controllers
Return Types of Action Methods and Their Purpose

What is a View and What is Use of It?
View Engines. ASPX Engine and Razor View Engine
Razor View Engine Syntax
Partial Views
What is Partial View? What is Use Of It?
Creating Partial Views
Using Partial Views

What is a Model and What is the use of a Model?
Types Of Models
Creating Data Model

Html Helpers
What is Html Helper and What is the use of it?
Crating Html Helpers
Strongly Typed Html Helpers
Templated Html Helpers
Creating Custom Html Helpers
Creating Submit Button Html Helper
Using TagBuilder Class
Using HtmlTextWriter Class

Data Annotations and Validations
What is Data Annotation and what is the use of it?
Data Annotation Attributes in ASP.Net MVC
Annotation Attributes from System.Web.Mvc Namespace
Custom Error Messages and Localization
Display and Edit Annotations

CRUD Operations On Database Using ASP.Net MVC
What are CRUD Operations
How To Implement CRUD Operations With ASP.Net MVC

What is a Filter and What is The Use Of A Filter?
Applying Filters To Controllers and Actions
Authorization Filter
Exception Filter
Using Action Filters
Using Result Filters
Using Global Filters

URL Routing
What is URL Routing and What are Advantages of It?
Creating and Registering a Route
Defining Default Values
Using Static URL Segments
Route Ordering
Defining Optional URL Segments
Defining Variable Length Routes

Master Pages and Layout Pages
What is a Master Page and What is a layout page?
Purpose of Master Page or Layout Page
Creating Layout Pages
Using Layout Pages

Caching In ASP.Net MVC
What is Caching? What is Use Of Caching?
Using OutputCache Attribute
Varying Output By Parameter
Using Cache Profiles
Using The Cache API

Authentication In ASP.Net MVC
Creating Users and Roles
Using the Web Site Administration Tool
Using the Account Controller
Authorizing Users
Using the Authorize Attribute
Using the User Property
Configuring Membership
Configuring the Membership Database
Configuring Membership Settings
Using the Membership and Role Manager API
Using Windows Authentication
Configuring Windows Authentication
Authenticating Windows Users and Groups

Working With Ajax In JQuery
Unobtrusive Ajax
Enabling Project For Unobtrusive Ajax
Using Jquery In ASP.Net MVC Application
Using Jquery UI Plugin In ASP.Net MVC

ASP.Net MVC 4 Features
Bundling And Minification
OAuth And Open ID