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API TESTING Course Details

Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..

Batch Date: May 16th @7:00AM

Faculty: Mr. Lohansh (13+ Yrs of Exp,..)

Duration: 30 Days

Venue :
Flat No : 202, 2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038

Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96



(Manual + Automation + Real Time Project)

API Testing Basics


  1. What is API?
  2. What is Rest API?
  3. Different Data notations:
  5. How to create XML/HTML/JSON and conclude


  1. JSON Syntax and Data Types
  2. JSON Object
  3. JSON Array
  4. Accessing JSON elements
  5. Creating JSON Path with examples and


  1. Different types of Protocols (http, https, ftp, pop3, smtp, ssl)
  2. Understanding of Request/Response in detail
  3. Executing HTTP Meyhods (Get/Post/Put/Patch/Delete
  4. Status Codes
  5. CRUD Operations


  1. Install
  2. Walkthrough on tool
  3. Generate API KEY
  4. API documentation
  5. Execute different types of Request and validate response and code +
  6. Types of Authorization
  7. API Tocken, Bearer tocken, Basic Authentication, No Auth

 Rest-Assured API

  1. What is RestAssured?
  2. Setup Pre-requisites
  3. Create a Project and write simple file to test api
  4. GET/Post/Put/Patch/Delete through Rest Assured API
  5. RestAssured – Request Specification
  6. RestAssured – Response Specification

 Verify API Response

  1. Assertions on Json Response Body and Headers through Automated code
  2. Parsing the Json Response body using JsonPath class
  3. Integrating the Multiple API's with common Json response values
  4. Building End to End Automation using GET, POST and PUT Http Methods

Advance REST API's

  1. Understanding Structure of Complex Nested Json and its array notations
  2. Retrieving the Json Array Size and its elements using JsonPath
  3. Iterating over every element of Json Array and accessing elements in it
  4. Retrieving Json Nodes on Condition logic using JsonPath
  5. Dynamic JSON Payloads with paramaterrization
  6. Sending parameters to payload from Test
  7. Serialization and DE-serialization
  8. Authentication and Authorization
  9. Framework – Lombok
  10. size()
  11. JSOnpath methods: .getInt()

Cucumber & Junit

  1. What is Cucumber
  2. Installing Cucumber Plugins in Eclipse
  3. Cucumber annotations
  4. Feature Files
  5. Step Definitions
  6. Cucumber Hooks
  7. Executing Cucumber feature file
  8. Test Runner
  9. Scenario and Scenario Outline
  10. Extent Reports
  11. Data Tables
  12. Generating Extent Test Reports


  1. Use of Property files in API Testing
  2. Store data in property files
  3. Read data from property files


  1. Maven Introduction
  2. Use of Maven in Rest API Testing
  3. Integrate Maven with Rest API Testing


  1. Introductionto GIT
  2. Use of GIT in Rest API Testing


  1. Jenkins Introduction
  2. Use of Jenkins in Rest API Testing
  3. Integrate Jenkins with Rest API Testing


  1. Framework
  2. Interview Questions