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Date: Apr 3rd @10:30AM
Faculty: Mrs. Swetha (12+ Yrs of Exp,.. & Real Time Expert)
Duration: 2 Months
Location: Maitrivanam, Hyderabad
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038.
Ph.No: +91 - 8852 8852 96/97/63/64
1. Storage Areas
1. Temporary Storage Areas
2. Permanent Storage Areas
2. Query Processing System
1. Query Tokenization
2. Query Processing
3. Query Optimization
4. Query Execution
3. Driver and Driver Types
1. Type 1 Driver
2. Type 2 Driver
3. Type 3 Driver
4. Type 4 Driver
4. Steps to design JDBC Applications
1. Load and register the Driver.
2. Establish the connection between Java Application.
3. Prepare either Statement or prepared Statement or Callable Statement Objects.
4. Write and execute SQL Queries.
5. Close the connection.
5. ResultSet and ResultSet Types
1. Read only ResultSet
2. Updatable ResultSet
3. Forward only ResultSet
4. Scrollable ResultSets
6. Prepared Statement
1. PreparedStatement with insert sql query
2. PreparedStatement with update sql query
3. PreparedStatement with select sql query
4. PreparedStatement with Dates Handling
5. PreparedStatement with Batch Updations
7. Callable Statement
1. CallableStatement with procedure
2. CallableStatement with function
3. CallableStatement with CURSOR Type Procedure
4. CallableStatement with CURSOR type function
8. Transaction Management
1. Atomicity
2. Consistency
3. Isolation
4. Durability
9. Savepoint
10. Batch Updations
11. Connection Pooling
12. BLOB and CLOB
13. RowSets
1. Introduction
1. Standalone Applications
2. Enterprise Applications
2. Client-Server Arch
1. Client
2. Protocol
3. Server
3. Servlets DesignS
1. Servlet interface
2. Generic ServleSt
3. Http Servlet
4. Servlet Lifecycle
5. User Interface
1. Static Form Generation
2. Dynamic Form Generation
6. Servlet Config
7. Servlet Context
8. Servlet Communication
1. Browser-servlet
2. Web-component
3. Applet-Servlet
9. Session Tracking Mechanisms
1. HttpSession Session Tracking Mechanism
2. Coockies Session Tracking Mechanism
3. URL-Rewriting Session Tracking Mechanism
4. Hidden Form Fields Session Tracking Mechanism
10. Servlets Filters
11. Servlets Wrappers
1. ServletRequest Wrapper
2. HttpServletRequest Wrapper
3. ServletResponse Wrapper
4. HttpServletResponse Wrapper
12. Servlets Listeners
1. Request Listeners
2. Context Listeners
3. Session Listeners
13. Web Security
1. Programmatic Approach
2. Declarative Approach
1. Introduction
2. JSP Deployment
3. JSP Life Cycle
4. JSP Elements
1. JSP Directives
2. Scripting Elements
3. JSP Actions
5. JSP Directives
1. Page Directive
2. Include Directive
3. Taglib Directive
6. JSP Scripting Elements
1. Declarations
2. Scriptlets
3. Expressions
7. JSP implicit objects
1. Out
2. Request
3. Response
4. Config
5. Application
6. Session
7. Exception
8. Page
9. Page Context
8. JSP Scopes
1. Page Scope
2. Request Scope
3. Application Scope
4. Session Scope
9. JSP Standard Actions
1. <jsp:useBean>
2. <jsp:setProperty>
3. <jsp:getProperty>
4. <jsp:include>
5. <jsp:forward>
6. <jsp:param>
7. <jsp:plugIn>
8. <jsp:fallback>
9. <jsp:params>
10. <jsp:declaration>
11. <jsp:scriptlet>
12. <jsp:expression>
10. JSP Custom Actions
1. Tag
2. IterationTag
3. BodyTags
4. TagSupport
5. BodyTagSupport
6. SimpleTag
7. SimpleTagSupport
8. Nestedtags
11. JSTL
1. Core Tags
2. XML Tags
3. Internationalization or I18N Tags (Formatted tags)
4. SQL Tags
5. Functions tags
12. Expression Language
1. EL operators
2. EL implicit objects.
3. EL functions.
1. Oracle
2. MySQL
3. Mongo DB
1. Tomcat
2. Weblogic
3. JBOSS and Wildfly
4. Glassfish
1. Eclipse
2. IntelliJ Idea
3. Netbeans
Real Time Tools:
1. Maven
2. Log4j
1. Live instructor LED online classes.
2. Flexibility to reschedule your class at any convenient time.
3. Become a certified professional.
4. Free Demo session.
5. Daily session recordings.
6. Resume preparation & FAQs.
7. Presentations and documentations.
8. Scenarios explanation.
9. Software installation