Subcribe and Access : 5200+ FREE Videos and 21+ Subjects Like CRT, SoftSkills, JAVA, Hadoop, Microsoft .NET, Testing Tools etc..
Date: Mar 11th @8:00PM
Faculty: Mr. Swamy Naidu
Duration: 45 Days
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91 - 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
- Javascript
- declarations
- Variable
- variable Types
- Variable scopes
- Function
- Types of function
- Anonymous function
- Arrow function
- IIFE (Immediately Invoking Function)
- Callbacks
- Nested Functions
- Events
- Dynamic Events
- var/let
- Hoisting
- Array and Array functions
- Types of functions
- Object
- How many Ways to create object
- nested objects
- Destructuring
- BOM objects
- window
- document
- history
- navigator
- Date Object
- Math Object
- string Functions
- Conversion functions
- Ajax
- Promise
- Primose all,race,any,allSetteled
- call
- apply
- bind
- Asnync await
- OOps
- class
- Object
- Inheritance
- Constructor
- event bubbling/trickling
- event loop
- exception handling
- Event object methods
- Protocols and state management
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- default values
- rest/spread
- closures
- Currying
- Introduction of React
- Node Repository
- Components,
- Functional and class Components
- What Is JSX
- JSX Expressions
- State & The Context API
- Working With Forms
- Functional component lifecycle hooks
- Changing State From Another Component
- Using The Context API & Provider State
- Adding A Context Reducer For Actions
- Creating A Form With State
- Controlled Components & onChange
- TextInputGroup Component For DRY Code
- Working With Props
- CSS In React
- Adding Bootstrap
- Events In React
- Uncontrolled Components & Refs
- Form Submit Action To Context
- Error Checking & Display
- Lifecycle, HTTP & Deployment
- Lifecycle Methods
- Axios
- GET Requests
- POST & DELETE Requests
- API service calls
- CRUD operations
- Using AsyncAwait
- React Routing
- React Router Setup
- Links, Params & Redirect
- Role based routing
- Authentication and Authorization
- PUT Request & Update Action
- Learning Redux
- App Starting Point For Redux
- Redux Store Setup & Contact Reducer
- Redux Thunk & HTTP
- Route Protection (Guared)
- Persist Settings To LocalStorage
- Server side interaction
- Higher Order Component