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Date: July 30th & 31st @ 4PM
Faculty: Mr. Venkat (Real Time Expert)
3 Weekends Batch
2000/- INR + Reg Fee 100/- INR
: S.R.Nagar, Hyderabad.
Canara bank building 2nd floor,
near S. R Nagar Police Station,
Contact : 7660 888 786
Complete Material Will be Provided by Real Time Expert
Prerequisite for this course:
- Good knowledge in Java/J2ee, spring, Hibernate and Web Services.
- Basic knowledge of database.
Importance of the course:
- Course covers the different phases of complete project life cycle using all real time
software’s and methodologies.
- Detail explanation of each and every module of the project.
- Functional / Technical architecture of the project.
- Integration of spring, hibernate and REST configuration in Live Project.
- Explanation of Spring Security configuration in the project level.
- Explains the all software configuration within the projects like MAVEN, Log4j, Junit,
SQL Editors usage, Putty, FileZilla.
- Explanation about Project management tool JIRA.
- Bug Logging Tool to understand the bug tracking at developer level.
- Official communication mail discussion like outlook / webmail.
- Explanation about different kind of software requirements / design documents.
Who can join this course?
- Fresh graduates looking for opportunities in IT.
- IT professionals looking for enhancing their skills.
- Non-IT professionals looking to shift to IT industry.
Benefits of the course
Participants get to know
- Complete life cycle of the project (end to end – from UI to Database).
- Typical architecture of a real time standards projects
- Different types of development & testing documents.
- Coding standards & best practices for writing good quality code.
- Understanding of scrum model in development life cycle.
Course Content
Live (Corporate Real time) project Explanation.
Mockup Screens
Functional Architecture
Technical Architecture
Code walk through
Explanation about the configuration of maven, svn, log4j with Spring
Integration of quartz schedulers with spring
Integration of spring mail api.
Rest web services integration for producer and consumer with live project.
Database tables and its relations
Hibernate Entity classes generation using JPA project.
Eclipse tips for understanding any new project flow.
Tools to integrate with live project and software Dev environment awareness
Version control system for the Source code - Tortoise SVN.
Integrated Development Environment (Eclipse).
Maven project build tool.
Java logging API - Log4j.
Junit API.
Agile Model - SCRUM
JIRA project management tool.
FileZilla – File transfer protocol tool.
Oracle SQL Developer
Software Environments (Dev, QA, Staging, Production etc…)
Layered/Tired Architecture.
Types of Documents (SRS, SDS, HLD, LLD, PRD etc…).
Resume Preparation.
Developer Best Practices.
Interview Questions.
Q & A
