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Date: Dec 17th @7:00AM
Faculty: Mr. Chaitanya (13+ Yrs Of Exp,..)
Duration: 20 Days (Class: 1 Hour 30 Mints)
Flat No : 202,
2nd Floor,
HUDA Maitrivanam,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500038
Ph.No: +91- 9246212143, 80 96 96 96 96
Docker & Docker Swarm Orchestration
- Introduction to Containers & Docker
- Docker architecture & Docker repositories
- Pull, Create & Upload Docker images
- Using Dockerfile and Docker Compose
- Understanding Docker Networks
- Understanding Docker Volumes
- Creating Docker cluster using Docker Swarm
- Docker Swarm Stacks and Container Placement
- Docker Swarm Node Availability
- Docker Swarm Rolling Updates
- Docker Swarm secrets and Container healthcheck
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Deploying PODS, Services, Deployments.
Introduction to Kubernetes
- Understanding Container Runtime Environments.
- Working with YAML files for creating manifests.
- Deploying Docker and understanding Docker components like Engine, Networks, Images & Registries.
- Creating custom container images with Dockerfile
- Why Kubernetes & Understanding Kubernetes architecture and Components.
- Understanding the Kubernetes Component Connectivity.
- Studying significance of API-Server, ETCD, Kube-Scheduler, Controllers, Kubelet & Kube-Proxy.
- Understanding Kubernetes High Availability.
Deploying & Managing Kubernetes using KOPS
- What is Kubernetes Operations (KOPS)?
- Deploying Kubernetes Production Grade Kubernetes Cluster with on AWS with KOPS.
- Understanding components of KOPS.
- Scaling the Kubernetes Cluster using KOPS.
- Manipulating KOPS configuration for reducing the bill.
- Accessing Kubernetes cluster with Kubeconfig
- Running Kubernetes basic cluster commands.
Working with Kubernetes POD’s & Deployments
- Running Kubectl Commands vs. Deploying Manifests
- Overview about POD, Deployment, ReplicaSet, Service & Namespaces.
- Deploying, Managing & Troubleshooting PODs.
- Deep dive through POD, POD Components, POD-Sidecar, kube-scheduler life cycle.
- Managing PODs with EXEC, port-forwarding, POD Metadata &PODEnvironment variables.
- Disadvantages of running PODS and Intro to Deployments.
- Deep dive with Deployments, Replica Set & Replication Controller.
- Differences and use cases of Replica Set & Daemonset.
Creating and Integrating Kubernetes Services
- Understating Kubernetes Service and its importance.
- Deep dive on Kubernetes Services and understanding Traffic Flow.
- Creating ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer & Headless Service.
- Understanding & Creating Liveness & Readiness Probes.
- Understanding and Creating Ingress Controllers and Ingress Services.
- Configure AWS LoadBalancer with Ingress controllers.
Kubernetes Advance Scheduling
- Understanding Labels & Annotations
- Configuring Labels & Annotations at Node & PODs.
- Understanding how Taints and Tolerations work.
- Configuring Node Taints and POD Tolerations
- Understanding and Configuring Node Affinity.
- Understanding and Configuring POD Affinity.
Storage with Kubernetes
- Understanding Kubernetes Persistence and Non-Persistent Storage.
- Creating non-persistent volumes - emptydir, gitrepo & host-path.
- Deep dive in to Kubernetes Persistence Volumes (PV).
- Creating Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) with Persistence Volumes.
- Understanding Kubernetes Storage Classes and Dynamic VolumeProvisioning.
Kubernetes ConfigMaps & Secrets
- Passing command-line variables containers.
- Setting environment variables for containers.
- Intro to ConfigMaps.
- Decoupling configuration with ConfigMap
- Working with sensitive data in Kubernetes.
- Creating and using Secrets in Kubernetes.
Securing Kubernetes Cluster
- How authentication works in Kubernetes.
- Deepdive into Kubernetes Namespaces.
- Configuring user access to the cluster.
- Creating and working with service accounts.
- Understanding RBAC in Kubernetes.
- Creating Role and Role Bindings.
- Creating ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings.
- Understanding Blue-Green Deployments & Rolling Updates
Troubleshooting & Updating Kubernetes Cluster
- Working with logs in Kubernetes.
- Working with Master and Worker Node Failure.
- Find and retrieve information about the cluster components.
- Performing Rolling Update with KUBECTL with no downtime
- challenges with KUBECTL rolling updates.
- Running KUBECTL cheat sheet commands.
Kubernetes Jobs & Cronjobs
- Understanding differences between Job & Cronjobs
- Creating a Job and understanding the attributes.
- Use cases for Jobs.
- Scheduling with Cron Jobs.
- Use cases for Cron Jobs.
Kubernetes with Rancher & K3S
- Understanding Rancher & Components
- Deploying Racher and access dashboards.
- Deploy On-Prem Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher
- What is K3S?
- Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with K3S application.
- Advantages of K3S
POD Level Security with Network Policies
- Understanding Kubernetes Network Policies.
- Restricting and Allow Traffic between Pods.
- Allow & Restrict traffic between Namespaces.
- Restricting & Allow traffic based on Application Ports.
Service Mesh with Istio
- What is Istio & What is the purpose?
- Understanding Istio Architecture.
- Deploy Istio on Kubernetes Cluster.
- Enable Istio on namespace and deploy application
- Checking Sidecars, Kiali, Jaeger
- Deploying VirtualService & Gateways
Monitoring & Logging & Cluster Maintenance
- Monitoring Cluster Components.
- Working with Logs and application logs.
- Performing cluster upgrade.
- Backup and Restore of Cluster.
- Overview about Prometheus monitoring.
- Deploying Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes.
- Creating dashboards for monitoring.
- Understanding Alert Manager.
Working with AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS)
- Understanding AWS EKS Architecture
- Deploying workloads on EKS Cluster.
- Adding & Removing resources to the cluster.
Helm Package Manager
- Understanding & Installing Helm 3
- Creating Helm Chart and understanding folder structure.
- Working with Values.yaml file.
- Creating custom charts for Nginx & EFS Provisioner.
- Creating & linting Helm Packages.
- Understanding Helm Chart Repositories.
- Downloading & Installing applications for Helm Repositories.
CI/CD Tools & GitOps Kubernetes Applications
- Jenkins & Azure DevOps Overview
- Installing Jenkins and installing necessary plugins.
- Integrating Jenkins with Kubernetes Cluster.
- CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines.